Never forget the attack on the United States on September 11, 2001.  Thoughts go out to all who were lost that day, and to the men and women servicing in the armed forces who still continue to fight this war on islamic terrorists.

What were you doing that day when you heard the news?

on Sep 11, 2009

I was making breakfast for Brad and he was in the shower.  I saw the first plane hit and ran up to tell him.  He thought he was hearing me wrong because of the shower and then when he got out he thought I must have misunderstood what was going on.  We sat down in our bedroom with that TV on and had the horror wash over us.  We had just returned from a wedding in CO the day before.  It had been the first time we left our 1yr old son for any amount of time and all sorts of what-ifs raced through our minds when considering those people stuck in airports or even diverted to Canada (like our friends who were supposed to honeymoon in the UK).

Thoughts immediately went to all the people in NY that we knew.  We were glued to the news for days as more and more horrific stories unfolded. 

It's hard to accept that there is so much blind hatred in the world. 

on Sep 11, 2009

I sat in a university computer lab at a text-only terminal. I first heard about the attack when somebody at an X terminal told everyone that there is a plane stuck in the World Trade Center (he only had a picture, not a video).

I immediately pointed my text-based browser to Steven Den Beste's blog figuring that he would write about the event, which he had. Half an hour later I went home.

on Sep 11, 2009

I was working when we heard the news on the radio that a plane had crashed into one of the towers. We thought it was an accident, you can imagine our horror to find out we were being attacked by terrorist. I took a moment and went home to get my 13 inch TV so we could see what was going on. It was probably the saddest day I have ever experienced in my life. To see these towers burning, towers that I had visited many times before, that i could see from my apartment window from New Jersey, was heart breaking, infuriating, frustrating and unforgivable.

on Sep 11, 2009

I was at work sitting at my desk when the insurance agent who worked upstairs ran down to tell us that a plane had crashed into one of the world trade buidings.  At first I didn't understand exactly what was happening and just didn't take it seriously.  Plane crashes happen all the time.  That is, until he ran back downstairs and said another one went into the other tower. 

I bolted upstairs to watch his little black and white tv he had in his lunchroom.  He pulled it out and put it on in his main office and we just stood there horrified as it was played over again. 

I don't remember how I got thru the rest of the day.  It felt like the beginning of the end of the world for a while.  Hard to work after that.  When we heard about the third plane that was headed for the White House we were all wondering what was going on. 

on Sep 11, 2009

Here's the song by Alan Jackson and a nice tribute.



Today of all days this song by Darryl Worley should be cranked up loud!



I woke up and was getting ready for school and decided to turn on the TV to watch the news.  I was watching the news when they were showing the live coverage and I saw the second plane first pass by and then later come back and hit the other tower.  I was and am furious about this and if we were going to have a draft I was going to drop out of college, go against my mother's wishes and join the military.  Darryl's song summs it up for me on how I felt on this day.

I sum it up with Aaron Tippin's song.