Published on May 22, 2009 By Island Dog In PC Gaming

The 50% off Demigod coupon for friends is starting to be mailed out.  If you haven’t received one yet, just keep an eye on your inbox as they don’t all go out at once.  Coupons are being sent out to Demigod customers who ordered before May 18th, in which they can give to their friends to purchase Demigod via Impulse.

See more info here:

A number of you have asked how to get in touch with others who could use a code to purchase Demigod, and I wanted to setup a thread where people can offer up codes in which they would like to give out.  Remember, these codes will only be valid until next week, so don’t hesitate.

If you have a code you wish to offer, just make a post about it and make sure to post when the code has been used.  These are unique codes, so there isn’t much use in posting the code itself.

Comments (Page 6)
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on May 23, 2009

I'd love a code as well if you're feelign generous email it to me:

on May 23, 2009

I'm still looking for one as well - I'm not beneath begging to save 20 bucks

on May 23, 2009

Hello, I'm looking for a code to get into some new RTS Awesomsauce!! Would be greatly appreciated.

on May 23, 2009

Wow had about dozen people PM for it. Sorry guys I only had one to give away. I hope you all can all get one. More importantly I hope the people getting the codes really use them.

On a side note, this thread should be more organised. With a list of offers on one side and who got the code to on the other and the people still in need below them.

on May 23, 2009

I have yet to receive my voucher for 50% off Demigod, anyone know who I contact about this?

on May 23, 2009


Thanks for the code wulagas-wulagaski, you're awesome!

I already purchased it and I'm downloading right now - hope to see you all in the game.

on May 23, 2009

I really want to purchase this game and the only thing thats held me off so far is the cost. Obviously I would really appreciate a coupon.

on May 23, 2009

This one is a bit more difficult:

If you take a close look at the image, you'll find the code. HINT: You may have to download the image first.


So did anyone get this?  I figured part of the URL for the image might be the code (i.e., curthendzell or DG-CURT-HEND-ZELL), but no joy.  If there are any available coupon codes floating about, I'd be grateful to receive one

on May 23, 2009

I would really like a coupon if anyone has one.

on May 23, 2009

I'd really like a coupon as well. I'll definitely pick this up for 50% off.

on May 23, 2009

First one to PM me gets the code.

on May 23, 2009

First one to PM me gets the code.

Got it, you're my hero.

on May 23, 2009

Never mind.

on May 23, 2009

Just posting so I can stalk this thread for a coupon

Shoot me a PM if you want to give one to me.

on May 23, 2009

Would love a code, definitely will buy and play a good bit if I get one . PM please if you've got it!

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