Published on May 22, 2009 By Island Dog In PC Gaming

The 50% off Demigod coupon for friends is starting to be mailed out.  If you haven’t received one yet, just keep an eye on your inbox as they don’t all go out at once.  Coupons are being sent out to Demigod customers who ordered before May 18th, in which they can give to their friends to purchase Demigod via Impulse.

See more info here:

A number of you have asked how to get in touch with others who could use a code to purchase Demigod, and I wanted to setup a thread where people can offer up codes in which they would like to give out.  Remember, these codes will only be valid until next week, so don’t hesitate.

If you have a code you wish to offer, just make a post about it and make sure to post when the code has been used.  These are unique codes, so there isn’t much use in posting the code itself.

Comments (Page 5)
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on May 23, 2009

Got 1 Voucher,
first to pm gets it

And it has been send so no more voucher
have fun

on May 23, 2009

PM sent... to avoid the rest of the world spamming the poor guy.


-- Tukulis

on May 23, 2009

I have one token and o don't need it, I would rather it get some use than it go to waste. So first person to  PM me gets it. 


Edit: Just recieved a PM, My code is now taken.


on May 23, 2009

If you want one, PM me.

EDIT : congratulation  largealmondj


on May 23, 2009

If anyone has a spare code i would greatly appriciate it (PM me plz). Super excited to try this game now that it is fixed

Many thanks

on May 23, 2009

If anyone has a code to spare, I would appreciate getting one. Thanks.

on May 23, 2009

Hey guys, Anyone with a spare coupon? please pm me, looking to get this game with one right away thank you!

Just to tell you more about myself, if I do get demigod, it will be the first Stardock game I'll have. I've been a long time steam user so this means having both Steam and Impulse on my comp which is going to be a bit weird. The game looks too good to pass up at half price though. I've been a long time dota player before this but stopped somewhere in the 6.50s because of a lack of any real sense of progression. Demigod looks incredibly interesting though and I really want to give this game a shot, it's just the current price is currently a bit steep. I'm currently waiting on a price drop and this coupon will pretty much save me a lot of time waiting for that to happen. 

I just want to say that getting a PM of a coupon code is the only way I can possibly get one because this weekend is exam week for us at my univ (school went on strike for a few months that's why we're stuck in class late may ) which means I'm not going to have time to participate in any forum games or what not to get a code.

So once again, if anyone has a spare coupon, you will have my eternal gratitude!!!!!!!! Thanks

on May 23, 2009

If someone has a code they dont want I would greatly appreciate it, cheers.

on May 23, 2009

Hello everyone

Any chance someone has still an extra coupon? Now that the multiplayer issues have been fixed, I would love to get my hands on this game... at a good price

on May 23, 2009

Wouldn't mind one of the coupons myself if anyone's feeling generous.

on May 23, 2009

I have a code - someone PM me for the info.

on May 23, 2009

May I please have some information on that code, Spartan?

on May 23, 2009

May I please have some information on that code, Spartan?

Code sent - enjoy!

on May 23, 2009

forget it, no use crying over spilt milk

on May 23, 2009

Just throwing my hat in the ring as someone looking for a code


edit: I got one, thanks!

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