Crispy Gamer has a very in-depth interview with Gas Powered Games, Mike Marr.  He is the Lead Designer of Demigod and this interview covers most of the bases.

“You've heard a lot from Brad Wardell and Chris Taylor about Demigod. They're the outspoken and very public faces of Demigod's developer and publisher, respectively. But if you want to get down to the nitty-gritty design issues, the guy you want to talk to is lead designer Mike Marr. Which is just what I did.”



on May 04, 2009

That was a great read!

on May 04, 2009

Awesome interview, until the tape ran out.

I always love the behind the scenes type interviews.

on May 04, 2009

Very interesting, thanks Tyo! I like it how you guys don't hide behind empty expressions. Good questions from the interviewer too. So Uncle gets the nerf bat, or maybe not? We will see. I guess Ill go looking for a 9th set of files tomorrow. We all have seen the artwork in the beta but I have a feeling there might be more this time. Thanks for the hint.

on May 04, 2009

Tape ran out...

!!!!!Im gunna kill that interviewer!

Was an aweosme interview though, really enjoyed it.

Was disheartened at the mention of replays still sounds like it will be coming in a few months when they are finished doing everything else. They dont really understand how important it is

on May 04, 2009



Chick: If Demigod had been a smaller, self-published game, what would it have looked like?

Marr: It would look a lot more like DOTA. There wouldn't be the flags, there wouldn't be the Citadel upgrades, there wouldn't be favor items. There wouldn't be single-player.


All these things (except single player) were announced when Demigod was first announceas a self-published game  .


Marr: They are guys that were in the original game that we had to pare down a while back to meet our deadline. They were designed for the initial game and then mothballed up. But they're not very far along in the process. And I can tell you that the concept for the characters is out on the Internet if you can find them.

I know what the first two new demigods will be  .

on May 04, 2009

I know what the first two new demigods will be  .

I was just about to comment, that I was surprised no enterprising individual had dug through the file structure to find them out yet. Please don't hold back, it's all in the public domain now, I'm sure you can't get in trouble for it. Absolutely pining to know!

Actually, one interesting thing that I didn't realise, is that the two new demigods are going to be VERY difficult to balance for Pantheon. As it stands, light and dark will have to receive 1 each, and that will mean an imbalance in generals/assassins available on each side. I wonder how this will play out when looking at the bigger picture of the Pantheon tournament.

on May 04, 2009

Well, Oculus' blueprint and stuff already exists in-game, so that is a no brainer.

Who is to say the new Dark side unit isn't also a General?

on May 05, 2009


Who is to say the new Dark side unit isn't also a General?

Umm...maybe in the interview you didn't read?

"Chick: So is it safe to assume one is an assassin and one is a general?

Marr: Yes."


Oculus is one of them, and will be a General, i think from the Light side.

on May 05, 2009

The other one is very spiky .

on May 05, 2009

[quote who="Marr:" reply="9" id="2188546"]Marr: There were two big design pushes. The first was that when you playDemigod, you should feel overpowered. No matter what demigod you pick, you should feel that he's too powerful.[/quote]



Anyone else pick up on that one?

on May 05, 2009

nice interview.  I hope to play tower defense and capture the flag soon.

on May 05, 2009

yah layering and weaving - so nice...more of these mechanics incorporated please.

Also CTF and Horde mode