Going through the news today I came across the latest review of Demigod, this time from the crew over at ActionTrip.com. Overall, Demigod received an 8.0 from ActionTrip!
“Demigod looks good and is well-animated. It has some big flashy effects and really nice audio to boot, both sound effects and music wise. While Gas Powered Games may have accomplished their goal of stripping out the fluff from the RTS experience, for some players they might have gone too far by not including any tutorials and the heavy multiplayer slant. However, for players looking for some challenging strategy with an RPG skill system that allows the player to tailor the game to their play style, will find a fun and affordable game with Demigod. Just make sure you understand what kind of game you are buying and you won't be disappointed. And if you are disappointed, blame your little brother. That almost always works.”
Read the full review here.