This is just cool, way cool! Adrian, who is part of the team over at has created a LEGO version of Demigod’s ‘Rook’. Adrian is also part of the Vancouver LEGO club, where I’m sure the Rook will be the envy of the club.
Hehe, not bad .
That's pretty friggin' awesome...oh how I miss playing legos as a kid
Fun Fact: Konami used Legos to help design their levels in Metal Gear Solid 2.
I like the smiley skull face!
Edit: Since half of this thread is about the Rook, is worth a mention
Yeah I miss legos too....but me and my roommate were joking of bringing them next year haha
Now, let's see if he can make the queen of thorns...
I think I could make a fuller one but it wouldn't be all multicoloured. Also I think I'd be trouble if I brought out my lego crate from the attic!
Thats is great ... thanks for posting it.
(just joking around =D)
LEGOs are win and awesome in physical form.
(Is it a bad thing that I have almost completely figured out how to build it just by studying it for less than 20 seconds?)
Yeah dude!! Geez get a life!!
Haha jk jk jk....I love Legos and I'm sure half the world does too so it's all good
dude, thats amazing
that's cool, do one summoning towers
I love it
can you see the guy in the rook? like in the real demigod rook model?