The latest in the Demigod short stories is out on Voodoo Extreme (VE3D), and this edition is called “The Unclean Beast”.
“It was after a sandstorm, while the survivors of the caravan searched the dunes for signs of their camp, that Saam-el Harra came upon a strange book in the sand. Nothing was written upon its black cover, and when he knelt to pick it up, it felt many times heavier than it looked. The book's pages were brittle with age and bore a strange hand-written script in a language he had never before seen. He wondered if it might be worth some gold or barter at the bazaar, and then asked himself how much he would pay for a book full of gibberish. Whatever its worth, it certainly didn't merit the waste of water-strength needed to get it to the next oasis on foot.”
Read the full story at VE3D.