Show some team spirit
Published on April 6, 2009 By Island Dog In WinCustomize News

If you are a sports fan you might just be following the NCAA championships going on.  Tonight we have Michigan State and North Carolina going head to head for the championship going on in Detroit!

No matter which side you are on, you can show some team spirit with an officially licensed collegiate MyColors desktop showing off your favorite team.


on Apr 07, 2009

Support Your NCAA Teams with MyColors Desktops!

I will when ever one of my Teams are included.


Great game for N. Carolina last night! If the MC Devs ever decide to actually make a team theme from a California university, I'd actually have someone to cheer for and would be the first in line for one of these!

But the harsh reality is out of 54 really nice MC NCAA Themes, not including UCLA, USC, Cal or Stanford is rather sad.  And the really cold part is, I know damn well this isn't just some sort of over-sight either.

When will you MC DEVS pull your heads out your asses and finally acknowledge California as a tiny state and bless us?  I've been asking ever since you've first come out with Collegiate Themes!