Published on March 30, 2009 By Island Dog In Demigod Journals

Demigod Lead Designer, Mike Marr, has a new video demonstrating the “basics” of the upcoming game, Demigod.

Comments (Page 1)
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on Mar 30, 2009

Respawn after a short period of time?  Believe me that is the longest 30 seconds ever

on Mar 30, 2009

apparently the word RPG has completely lost its meaning these days ....... since when do you roleplay in strategy games

on Mar 30, 2009

It has many RPG elements.  When you play it, you'll see.

on Mar 30, 2009

So RPG has devolved into meaning level ups and item selection?

on Mar 30, 2009

So RPG has devolved into meaning level ups and item selection?

Those elements are typically found in RPG games....

on Mar 30, 2009

I was the first one to comment on youtube,hehe.

Keep up the good work!i cant wait to play but its a bit expensive for me.

on Mar 30, 2009

Looks Amazing. Well done guys.

on Mar 30, 2009

You take the role of a freaking Walking Castle Demigod in his quest to reach true godhood, how is that not role playing.

on Mar 30, 2009


So RPG has devolved into meaning level ups and item selection?
Those elements are typically found in RPG games....

like those first person shooters in which you often have to walk and did you notice: in Sims 2, there are walking people, too, so Sims 2 has to be a FPS -.-

taking one single element of a RPG and putting it into another game of a different genre doesn't qualify for calling that game a RPG, too. I think that RPG is the most inflationarily used label which is put on games these days. Dang, I miss the days of Baldur's Gate where RPGs were about a captivating story and not about having an inventory... :-/

on Mar 30, 2009


Quoting Thrawn2787, reply 5
So RPG has devolved into meaning level ups and item selection?
Those elements are typically found in RPG games....
like those first person shooters in which you often have to walk and did you notice: in Sims 2, there are walking people, too, so Sims 2 has to be a FPS -.-

taking one single element of a RPG and putting it into another game of a different genre doesn't qualify for calling that game a RPG, too. I think that RPG is the most inflationarily used label which is put on games these days. Dang, I miss the days of Baldur's Gate where RPGs were about a captivating story and not about having an inventory... :-/


You should try a RPG by Bioware. They hit the nail on the head every time with their games.

on Apr 01, 2009

Um... Baldur's Gate was one of BioWare's first games.

on Apr 01, 2009

Having RPG elements doesn't mean it's an RPG... If the goal of the game is to 'win' a map through strategy, then it's clearly not an RPG, but a strategy game.


Other than that, looking good.

on Apr 01, 2009

You are a little late for such complains tbh. there are already tons of rpg/rts games that dont have any rpg features but leveling and items. Not to mention the mass of mmorpgs that solely consists of leveling and chatting.

on Apr 02, 2009

He talks funny...hehe jk jk

Game looks great...if it works out well...I'll be home for Easter to buy this!!! If not, well then I'm out of luck, being at college....

on Apr 02, 2009

I havent watched the video but...
Dont think any of the Devs think this is a RPG. They call it something more like a RTS/RPG.

apparently the word RPG has completely lost its meaning these days ....... since when do you roleplay in strategy games

Since RPG/RTS games.

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