Check out the latest Demigod Video showing the Vampire Lord and gameplay, with the walkthrough being narrated by Brad Wardell.
great video, the best out of the 3 so far.
I notice some realy positiv comments on gametrailers, and thats a realy good thing cause it wasnt like that before.
on the next video, regulus/qot would be nice.
Oh so this is Brad..
[quote who="X-Raider" comment="1"] I notice some realy positiv comments on gametrailers, and thats a realy good thing cause it wasnt like that before.[/quote]
while there were some positive comments on GT, i noticed a lot of ignorant people complaining about the arena style maps and posting things like "Dota with a few more options. Are we really going to pay $50 for a few more options?" and "looks decent but I'd think they would feel at least a little bit bad about completely ripping off dota."
let's hope those people look into it some more before saying stuff like that.
It's the internet, people will complain about the game and how it's a rip off of this or that and how they would never pay $40 for something they can do for free, etc. etc.
Then it will be released and they will be at gamestop on day 1 to buy a copy.
That is typical people from the dota community. Trust I have been dealing with it for 6 years now. They ///// their wrist over anything that comes an inch from being something dota has. Stardock said the game has inspiration from dota but never said they were going to compete to make a better one. But those tards can't read or listen.
Great video btw. It is looking very promissing. AI is kinda dumb though.