Apple had a highly anticipated event where they officially unveiled the 3.0 operating system update for the iPhone and iPod Touch. Users were watching this closely to see if the features that many have been asking for would be announced, and even possibly a hint at a future hardware revision.
Some of the key features of the 3.0 OS are:
- Cut and Paste. This was a long awaited feature, and apparently taking their time seems to have paid off with a slick interface for copy/paste, including the ability to copy web content.
- Expanded Landscape View. Finally the ability to compose e-mail in landscape mode is here. I send and receive e-mail on my iPhone a lot, and this will make it much more easier. Landscape mode will also be available for most of the other core applications as well.
- Note Sync. I don’t have a lot of detailed info on this aside that it is there.
- MMS. Not really big on my priority list, but it will be nice to have the ability to send pictures via text.
- Voice memos. There are several apps available in the App Store that performs this function, but I’m glad it will be part of the core system.
- Spotlight. A valued feature on OS X has made its way to the iPhone, and with the huge amount of data the iPhones are working with, a way to search for things will be welcomed.
This is not all the new features coming, but these are the ones that seem to have attracted the most attention. Its obvious the 3.0 update satisfies many of the long standing complaints that people have had since the initial launch, and upon first look, it appears this will be a solid update for iPhone users. There was no indication of any type of hardware revision coming, and the point was made that most of the features will work on the 1st generation iPhone, but a few features will not.
Once it’s released this summer, I will do a full review, so keep an eye out for that.