Windows 7 is generating a really nice “buzz” in the community, and one of the big strikes against Vista for many users was performance issues, and I know this is something that many consumers are taking a hard look at.
I was reading ZDNet this morning and came across an article that has some real-world performance tests on the latest beta of Windows 7.
“The scoring system that I use seems to have confused some readers. It’s actually very simple. We run each test for each OS in turn and the time taken to complete the task is noted (average of three runs). The fastest OS is given a score of 1, the runner ups 2, 3, 4, and respectively and the slowest OS scores a 6. The scores are added up and the OS with the lowest score (that is, the one that performed the best overall) at the end is the winner.”
Check out the full article at ZDNet, you just might be surprised.