Published on March 11, 2009 By Island Dog In Personal Computing


Stardock is excited to announce the release of BootSkin 1.02.  BootSkin is an application that allows users to change and create custom boot screens for Windows Vista.  Unlike Windows XP boot screens, Vista boot screens are high-resolution and high-color to give you a much higher quality image. 

BootSkin is now available as a free stand-alone download, which will allow users to change their boot screen to one of many available for download on .  BootSkin Vista, which is a component of Object Desktop, will allow you to apply and create boot skins for Windows Vista.

The BootSkin 1.02 update includes:

  • Improved upload form 
  • And remove the about screen bullet. 
  • Indicate applied skin
  • New Bootskins included
  • Improved upload status bar

BootSkin Vista is a part of the Object Desktop suite of desktop enhancements, and can be downloaded via Impulse.  BootSkin can also be downloaded through Impulse, or from .

3-10-2009 11-36-17 AM

on Mar 11, 2009

Nice, look forward to it this afternoon.