Skin Roundup for 3-6-09
Published on March 6, 2009 By Island Dog In OS Customization

Seems like just the other day TWiS was posted, but hey, it’s a new month so lets start it off right.  I have to say the Desktop galleries have really been taking off lately.  With sViz’s new feature and the new DX gadget gallery, maybe DX is making a big comeback!

I have also been grabbing some really sweet wallpapers from the gallery as well.  All these new skins are just making it difficult to get a new desktop together, just too many choices!

Now for this weeks picks!

Intoxica by Vampothika

Oh the animations, oh the design, just do me a favor and check it out.

Fools Gold by CarGuy1

I really liked the wallpaper, and the animations that CarGuy1 put to this was fantastic.

Copper Carbon Fibre by bk13GarbageMan

Carbon Fibre is an awesome DX theme, and so is this matching RightClick skin.

StealthOS (TM Suite) by Philly0381

StealthOS is one of my all time favorite skins, so I was glad to see a complete Theme Manager suite for it.

Red Box bird by ahabkaba

I can always expect some creative wallpapers from ahabkaba, and this one is right on.

on Mar 06, 2009

It is always an honor to mentioned or included anytime with the talenedt skinners of the community.  Thank you ID

on Mar 06, 2009
Awesome choices ID, there is not one here that is not above super master class, if not they should all be Ha Ha Ha awesome choices once again, thanks ID
on Mar 06, 2009
Super choices ID! Atta way to go to all!!   
on Mar 06, 2009
Some nice picks this week, ID  
on Mar 06, 2009

KoNgRAtZ eVeRYoNE to GeT pickED...


Hey ID, you did nothing special .. those skins were so special that anyone could have picked them!


on Mar 06, 2009

Thankyou very flattered

on Mar 06, 2009
Excellent choices ID, they produce some amazing work!
on Mar 06, 2009

Congrats to all that were chosen. Awesome works

on Mar 07, 2009

great picks this week....

on Mar 07, 2009
Always a good read and great choices.  
on Mar 07, 2009
Congrats to all! and thanks ID
on Mar 08, 2009

When I was a teenager, I peppered my bedroom walls with movie stars pixs. We didn't have pc computers at home then. The first Super Wal-Mart that I'd trek through. I lost count of my fingers and toes, when traveling those aisles (at lest 28...).

Best luck choosing, have great day and better one tomorrow, ID.