Seems like just the other day TWiS was posted, but hey, it’s a new month so lets start it off right. I have to say the Desktop galleries have really been taking off lately. With sViz’s new feature and the new DX gadget gallery, maybe DX is making a big comeback!
I have also been grabbing some really sweet wallpapers from the gallery as well. All these new skins are just making it difficult to get a new desktop together, just too many choices!
Now for this weeks picks!
| Intoxica by Vampothika Oh the animations, oh the design, just do me a favor and check it out. |
| Fools Gold by CarGuy1 I really liked the wallpaper, and the animations that CarGuy1 put to this was fantastic. |
| Copper Carbon Fibre by bk13GarbageMan Carbon Fibre is an awesome DX theme, and so is this matching RightClick skin. |
| StealthOS (TM Suite) by Philly0381 StealthOS is one of my all time favorite skins, so I was glad to see a complete Theme Manager suite for it. |
| Red Box bird by ahabkaba I can always expect some creative wallpapers from ahabkaba, and this one is right on. |