So with just over a month of Obama officially being President, and since elected in November, the stock market has lost well over 2000 points (didn't hear much in the media about that), they have pushed a trillion dollar "stimulus" plan, promised "free" healthcare and college to everyone, and higher taxes.

Yesterday, the markets closed under 7000 and I would imagine we will see more of a drop today.  So, how is that socialism working out for you so far?



Comments (Page 2)
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on Mar 04, 2009

In the last month it's lost ~1200 - are you including time that bush was president to get your figure?

If you read what he wrote- he said: "and since elected in November, the stock market has lost well over 2000 points "

on Mar 04, 2009

Karma Girl,

I like and agree with your warning

on Mar 04, 2009

Nitro Cruiser
Comrade ID, you are not assimilating to the new order properly, you may need to go to the re-education camp if your attitude does not improve. Please stare into your commemorative Obama plate (or coin) and chant "Yes we can" until you can speak no more.

+1 karma right there


KarmaGirl... you too

on Mar 04, 2009

If you read what he wrote- he said: "and since elected in November, the stock market has lost well over 2000 points "

If you read what he wrote- he said "with just over a month of Obama officially being President, and since elected in November, the stock market has lost well over 2000 points". I've no wish to get into a semantics fight though, so just switch "are you" to "you are" in my post if you want.

on Mar 05, 2009

so just switch are you to you are in my post if you want.


on Mar 05, 2009

If you read what he wrote- he said "with just over a month of Obama officially being President, and since elected in November, the stock market has lost well over 2000 points".

You just proved her point even more, 600 points after he was elected and 1200 in his first month. But failure is a good thing if a Democrat is doing it right? It's amazing how Democrats are quick to forgive their own. Sounds like one of those "my son is innocent" stories.

on Mar 05, 2009


Aeortar, is refering to post number 6.  Every time you see the phrase "are you" Aeortar is saying to now change it to "you are." I think to make the point that Aeortar is not longer asking the question (are you) but now implying the accuasational form with "you are."

Does that help Charles?

on Mar 05, 2009

Does that help Charles?

Lord oh mighty, how did you ever figure that out?  I had to read it 3 times after I read your post to get it. Talk about confusing when not knowing exactly what they are trying to say.

on Mar 05, 2009

so just switch "are you" to "you are" in my post if you want.

That would have been easier to understand.

on Mar 06, 2009

All better now? 

on Mar 06, 2009

All better now?

Yes,   I think.

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