With February half over, it’s time to post the January moderator picks. Yes, it is late, and completely my fault. Regardless, the WinCustomize moderators picked out a few skins that caught their eyes last month, and here they are!
Snowman picked Anonymity by Voidcore.
“Minimalism + great color combo + well put together skin = Anonymity. 'Nuff said.”
HG_Elminator chose Rainbow Clock by Vad_M.
“An innovative clock, that utilizes images from Windowblinds to skin its self. Just pick the WB you wish it to emulate and let it do the rest.. “
WOM went with Ionic Breeze by kittycat670.
“Colorful, nice depth and balance.”
Lantec’s pick is Xpired by Michael Brandt.
“It's good to see a talented skinner return to WC.
He's got a great knack with the dark skins and this is a perfect skin to get back into the groove with.”
Erk picked AX-26 by oAREAo.
“It's a nice well-made skin. Sharp & functional”
Zubaz liked Troll Thumping Day – Year of the Beserker by theAVMAN.
"This is a wonderful update of a great skin. It's interesting to see how new concepts and people get involved with community events. Great work! Make sure to look for other, matching skins."