Published on February 12, 2009 By Island Dog In Current Events

On my way home this morning, I decided to stop and pickup some ammo to add to the stockpile.  I  quickly discovered that ammo is in very short supply.  After a few stores it seems 9mm ammo is completely sold out, and other calibers are on very short supply.  According to the stores, people are coming in and buying it in cases, and they can’t keep enough in stock.

Of course at Wal-Mart, the clerk had to mention “I don’t know why people are panicking”.  I replied it had nothing to do with panic, but preparation, and of course she gave me that weird blank liberal look. 

Ever since Obama was elected by the unknowing people, gun sales have spiked across the country.  Obama hasn’t been in office a month and we already see him and his democrat buddies trying to bring back gun bans and ridiculous gun laws that don’t do anything but disarm legal citizens.  I have documented previously how Obama has a voting record that includes supporting legislation to punish home owners who defend their own homes with firearms. 

People are buying for several specific reasons, but all fall right back to who is in charge.  Some are buying out ammo and guns because of the expected restricted laws and bans, others are buying in preparation for an economic breakdown, and others for defense.  Either way, it’s very telling on what many Americans think of this President and the way government is headed. 

on Feb 14, 2009

ID try on-line (the Sportsman's Guide) their prices are pretty good.

on Feb 15, 2009