Cool stuff from the weekend
Published on February 9, 2009 By Island Dog In WinCustomize News

I just love Monday mornings, as it’s always a reminder to how fast the weekend really goes.  Being that it is Monday and I’m sure many of you were out doing all sorts of fun things, you might not have been around to see the cool skins that came in over the weekend.

So I,  your gracious host, will give you a look at some of the skins that came in throughout the weekend.  There are many more out there, but this should get you started.

on Feb 09, 2009

kOnGrAtZ for eAcH PiCk. = 65 stars..

*it's the no of candles  destroyed on his birthday last year.*

*...* select/highlight/drag to read.

on Feb 09, 2009
Great picks ID, congrats to all!
on Feb 09, 2009
Thanks for the nice picks ID.  
on Feb 09, 2009
Thanks for showing my Happy Days pic ID. I really appreciate it. Congrats to all. You can tell who didn't get outside and enjoy those fun things you're referring to. Although I did wash my truck Sunday.
on Feb 11, 2009
Nice features ID, thank you for including my wallpaper!!