Fences is really taking off, and I wanted to see how some of you are configuring your desktops. This is my current simple setup, but I’m going to get more detailed later on.
Lets see your Fences!
I would but I pretty much stopped using desktop icons long ago. I hide the icons on all my systems now.
I will however, tell everyone I know who does use them about Fences, and point them to this thread.
Looks like a great app.
Here's my Fences setup:
I have all my icons/Fences on my secondary monitor, hence no start button or systray
PS: Image scaling in news comments sucks....
PPS: Commenting on news using FireFox is even worse..... (Had to use IE to put it the screenshot.)
Yeah, just go through the forums.
greatest thing since sliced bread
Gotta love Fences ....
My fences and Cavan1's new wallpaper!!!!