Now let me make it clear from the start that I’m just looking for feedback on features you would like to see for WindowBlinds in Windows 7.  Many people are trying the Windows 7 beta, and through your experiences so far, is there anything different you would like to see WB try to accomplish? 

Please be specific and screenshots and mockups would definitely be welcome.

1-27-2009 10-32-32 AM

Comments (Page 3)
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on Jan 29, 2009

more animation...

and on a sidenote for SKS import several images at the same time in subframe builder.. (not existing multipart image mind you)

and click and drag inside/and outside into the subframe builder.

on Jan 29, 2009

Am testing 7 at present, and using objectdock (free), and right click (my favorite add-in) with no problems as of yet. I have trie Iconpackager; didn't work, so have been lurry of trying others.  Fix the bug in windowblinds that for some reason makes you have to load some skins twice so you get the name of the skin instead of "unknown"  This happens in Vista 32 bit and 64 formats (not with all skins. could name a soon but the list would be long).  Thanks.

on Jan 29, 2009

Oh, something else, not sure it is possible but a drag and drop would be nice in windowblinds, and iconpackager.

on Jan 29, 2009

Oh, something else, not sure it is possible but a drag and drop would be nice in windowblinds, and iconpackager.
Drag and drop what?

Double clicking installs skins for both.

on Jan 29, 2009

I'd like to be able to change/adjust the colour of the fonts.

on Jan 29, 2009

I'd like to be able to change/adjust the colour of the fonts.

Which fonts?

on Jan 29, 2009

Neil Banfield

Quoting karmat, reply 10I'd like to be able to change/adjust the colour of the fonts.

Which fonts?


Taskbar and start menu

on Jan 29, 2009

O/T...Actually, it would be nice to be able to change the text colours in tabbed docks in ObjectDock Plus too.

on Jan 30, 2009
For Zubaz in reply 26 and Spartan in reply 30. Gimme a break guys, I ain't no graphix designer (and I obviously ain't no english teacher neither  ) That was just a quick (and ugly) pic to get my point across. The REAL graphic designers that hang out here could design frames that would have all yer fuction buttons and so forth. Even something that would allow just the title bar to be customized "outside the box (so to speak)"would be a nice change of pace.
on Jan 30, 2009

For Zubaz in reply 26 and Spartan in reply 30.

Gimme a break guys, I ain't no graphix designer (and I obviously ain't no english teacher neither  )
That was just a quick (and ugly) pic to get my point across.
The REAL graphic designers that hang out here could design frames that would have all yer fuction buttons and so forth. Even something that would allow just the title bar to be customized "outside the box (so to speak)"would be a nice change of pace.
My point was that you can do that now.  Sorry the other question took the forefront.

on Jan 30, 2009
I dont know if this would be for windowblinds, but I would really like to see a 3d desktop feature kind of like Real desktop (except for the horrible system load of course).
on Jan 30, 2009

My mom has Windowblinds on her computer but the configuration panel is too huge for her to fit on the desktop. She has to keep her screen resolution at 768X1024 so she can see it. So my request would be a resizable config panel.

on Feb 04, 2009
i second the rezizable wb config panel
on Feb 11, 2009

1. the ability to include a user pic icon (not just a background) that will apply with the skin. Treetog did it with Transilvania, maybe it was a feature of SKS 4/5 that was removed in 6 but I can't figure out how to do it in 6.

2. if possible the ability to change font color in Windows calculator. It's hard coded, been told it can be changed but takes special tools to hack the .exe file, not easy, I tried and could get it. too many blue or red skins buttons are too close to calc font leaving buttons font hard to read/unreadable unless the mouseover button is far from font color. Would be way cool to change font color.

3. speaking of font color some area are extremely difficult to change, such as start menu program list (left), got places list font to change but can't get programs list font color to change nor can I get normal buttons fonts to change, mouseover and pressed fine but normal don't like change. woulb be nice if font color was easier to customize. I dunno maybe it's just a bug in my system.

edit: my bad for some reason I was thinking this was for the next SKS.


on Feb 11, 2009

Besides more transparency (check out diafragma's latest Mac screenshot and animated window frames...

Reflection options

I know that we've seen this for icons in the Mac dock, so I hope it's on tap for OD+ 2.0+.  Or, at a minimum is a setting that can be applied to a folder of custom icons/pngs with IconPackager or IconFX perhaps?

But the reflective floor elements aspect is very sexy with other windows and graphic elements as well.

For example,

iTunes coverflow does this.

CD Art display does this on a skin by skin basis.  Here's an example,

cooliris does this

Just my two cents.





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