Published on January 13, 2009 By Island Dog In Politics

Well apparently the President doesn't.  Recently, Rep. José Serrano [D-NY] proposed an amendmentl to repeal the 22nd Amendment.  

"Proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the United States to repeal the twenty-second article of amendment, thereby removing the limitation on the number of terms an individual may serve as President."

Now doesn't this politician have anything better to do than this?  What is the point of it?


Comments (Page 1)
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on Jan 13, 2009

My guess is so Obama can stay in office longer.

on Jan 14, 2009

if this happens i will truly be disguested and will move. I live close enought to canada and would not bat an eye and would move there

on Jan 14, 2009

Term limits aren't that important - people get bored of leaders eventually.

on Jan 14, 2009

Term limits aren't that important - people get bored of leaders eventually.



yeah but you open the door to other things and really when was the last time we have gave the gov an inch and they in turn took a mile? it happens all the time.

on Jan 14, 2009


Term limits aren't that important - people get bored of leaders eventually.


They are very important, especially in a time where people are voted in just because of a marketing slogan.

on Jan 14, 2009

Term limits aren't that important - people get bored of leaders eventually

Is that why so many congressmen and senators end up serving until they retire?  Imagine that happening with a President.  If you're a Republican imagine someone like Bill Clinton or Jimmy Carter serving in the office until they decided they had served long enough, if your a Democrat imagine if Bush decided to continue serving in the office until he wanted to retire.  The term limits on the Presidency are extremely important especially in a world where the incumbency rate is so f'in high.

on Jan 14, 2009

The Dems probably want to run slick willy again.

on Jan 14, 2009

They are very important, especially in a time where people are voted in just because of a marketing slogan.

All it takes is a better slogan, a bored populace and a loss of faith for government to change. In Australia we went from John Howard (We decide who comes to this country and the manner in which they arrive) to Kevin Rudd (Kevin07). K-Rudd really isn't that much different from little Johnny.

Is that why so many congressmen and senators end up serving until they retire?  Imagine that happening with a President.

Congressmen and senators last so long because no one contests their seats, for reasons I've never fully understood (the money alone must be worth it!). The position of president always has good job applicants from all sides of politics.

Let's face it - Obama would have utterly rolled Bush. Bush might not have beaten Clinton, but Clinton would have had stiff competition from George Bush elder. You get better candidates when patience isn't enough to win.

Remember that the proposal is to remove the limits on the number of terms, not on the length of any individual term.

on Jan 14, 2009

because no one contests their seats, for reasons I've never fully understood

That's simply not true.  There are plenty of times when seats are challenged but the incumbent wins.  In general it is because of campaign financing (the incumbent undoubtedly gets more cash) but sometimes it is about name recognition, etc.  We have a 90-95% incumbency rate in this country.  It's absurd.  That alone is reason enough to keep term limits around.

Personally I think there ought to be term limits on congress as well.  Part of the problem that we have the spending problems that our country has is because members of congress put up all kinds of spending bills to send money to their home state just to keep their jobs.  If they knew that they were only allowed to have two or three terms in office that wouldn't be as big a problem.

Imagine what a sitting president could do to keep their position for another term.  Any number of executive orders, picking a fight to start a war, etc.  We definitely don't need that and term limits help to prevent it.

on Jan 14, 2009

We have a 90-95% incumbency rate in this country.

It's getting to the point where I'd say we should just flat-out prohibit reelection to the same office for all federal positions, period.

on Jan 14, 2009

All it takes is a better slogan, a bored populace and a loss of faith for government to change

Your forgetting money, crazy left wing zealots like Al Franken all ready buy elections. If any thing They should also put term limits on Congressmen and Senators too. Eight years of lining your pockets is enough for everyone. This would end career politicians and help steer it back to the original purpose... to serve the people. Also prohibit sons, daughters, brothers or sisters, and niece s or nephews from serving the same post. These political dynasties need to go away, too much nepotism in both parties.

on Jan 14, 2009

Island Dog

comment 3

Term limits aren't that important - people get bored of leaders eventually.


They are very important, especially in a time where people are voted in just because of a marketing slogan.

And also when the politicians can create the crises that leads to their constant election.  Hitler did it, and Chavez is trying to.

But notice this only comes up with democrats?  Probably because they fear the fact they have to honestly face the electorate every election with a new clown.

on Jan 14, 2009

russia, china, nazi germany... Actually the vast majority of dictatorships hold sham elections.

Term limits are just another (very important, and very effective) barrier against a bloodless coup. Where a leader is voted into power and slowly eliminates opposition within the government until he is a dictator.

on Jan 14, 2009

remember, hitler spent years in prison for a failed coup... and then went and got himself democratically elected into power.

on Jan 15, 2009

It's getting to the point where I'd say we should just flat-out prohibit reelection to the same office for all federal positions, period.

It's not democracy's fault that voters are apathetic. What are you doing to shorten representation periods? Do you campaign against the incumbent regardless of who s/he is?

Imagine what a sitting president could do to keep their position for another term.  Any number of executive orders, picking a fight to start a war, etc.  We definitely don't need that and term limits help to prevent it.

A prime minister is vastly more powerful than a president. A PM has no checks or balances on his/her power, save perhaps the judiciary, but even then it's not much of a check. So long as he/she has party support, elections can be postponed indefinitely, laws can be enacted that modify voting procedures and rights, electorates can be redrawn to favour party members. The possibilities are nearly endless.

But we've yet to see a first-world PM become a tyrant, despite Oz and British PMs regularly serving more than 8 years. Why not? Because the people get bored and vote them out eventually. Good ones stay, the bad ones get the boot after a few years. It's the way things work.

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