Microsoft CEO, Steve Ballmer, kicked off CES 2009 last night with his keynote speech in which he announced the Windows 7 beta will be available for public download, this Friday. This will be a download-only version, and will expire in August. They haven't announced yet at what time it will be available, but it will only be for a limited time to the first 2.5 million downloaded.

Get more info at the link below.

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on Jan 09, 2009


Quoting Mirsguy, reply 4
Yay.. 3 OS's to skin for now
Yah. Noobs like me are still trying to figure out how to marry the other two, and now comes a third.

Im still workin on skinning win 95..


Yay.. 3 OS's to skin for now

Yah. Noobs like me are still trying to figure out how to marry the other two, and now comes a third.

Psshh! I haven't figured out how to skin any...

Lately, I still feel that way!

on Jan 09, 2009

You'll find Windows 7 is better/faster than Vista in every way and, yes, even faster than XP now.

on Jan 09, 2009

What happens after August? Can you downgrade? Will there be another Beta? Will beta testers be screwed?

If it's any indication from the past, you will have to go back to another OS.

If W7 is anything like Vista, when the beta(s) run out there will be a RC release prior to going gold and release to stores... which has been touted to be as early as Dec 09 in time for holiday spending.

on Jan 09, 2009
From what I have read around the net there is absolutely nothing about Windows 7 that I would even care about, it is just another Windows Vista with a few minor modifications, and to spend hours downloading something I will never use would be a waste of time so I will pass on this one.

Personally I think Microsoft should have improved Windows XP and not even have bothered making a new OS, especially one (oops, now 2!) OS's that a pain in the rear to skin. I mean c'mon now, the only thing around to skin Vista for .msstyles format is AVE's Vista Style Builder, which is a super pain to use and would take a total genius to figure out. The only thing around to skin in Windowblinds format is SkinStudio 6, which is also very cumbersome to use and limited in its abilities. Why can't someone design a program that is so easy to use that a child could figure it out! Even SkinStudio 5 had its drawbacks. Now, if someone would have designed a program to skin Vista in either .msstyles or Windowblinds format that was like StyleBuilder from TGTSoft, I don't think anyone would have complained at all. It is sooooooooooo easy to use!
on Jan 09, 2009

f W7 is anything like Vista, when the beta(s) run out there will be a RC release prior to going gold and release to stores... which has been touted to be as early as Dec 09 in time for holiday spending.


Windows 7 will be released this summer.

on Jan 09, 2009

f W7 is anything like Vista, when the beta(s) run out there will be a RC release prior to going gold and release to stores... which has been touted to be as early as Dec 09 in time for holiday spending.

Windows 7 will be released this summer.

While many are sceptical about W7 being released at all this year, I read an article (I think linked to from majorgeeks) where the writer spoke with some authority about W7 being released July 09... and another (Mary Foley, I think) proffering late Nov early Dec as being preferred by Microsoft.

In any event, given the 1st public beta becomes available in just 3 or so hours, it's hard to imagine MS will repeat the constant delays fiasco of Vista with W7. Despite the economic crisis affecting much of the World, Microsoft WILL release W7 to retail later this year.... US Summertime sounds good to me.

on Jan 09, 2009

Anyone who is skeptical of Windows 7 coming out this year doesn't know what they are talking about. 

on Jan 09, 2009
Personally I think Microsoft should have improved Windows XP and not even have bothered making a new OS, especially one (oops, now 2!) OS's that a pain in the rear to skin.
...really?...there are so many things wrong with that statement.
on Jan 09, 2009

Anyone who is skeptical of Windows 7 coming out this year doesn't know what they are talking about.

I'm skeptical if the public beta will be released this year.  

They should have expected to get some interest...they were so hammered that they postponed the release until they get enough servers up to handle the traffic.

on Jan 09, 2009

I'm skeptical if the public beta will be released this year.

They should have expected to get some interest...they were so hammered that they postponed the release until they get enough servers up to handle the traffic.

Yeah over 8 hours since the gazetted realease and still nothing.... not enough servers to handle the traffic?  I mean, for the size of Microsoft, like what's that all about?\

They should have been much better prepared than that/this...tut, tut.  *deducts brownie points*

on Jan 10, 2009

I'm about half way through the 32 bit download from Microsoft and hope to have up and running on my other partition shortly. Keys seem to be the issue now. There have been several links posted and instructions given on how to get Keys but it's very 'hit and miss'. Those who have finished downloading and installing are very impressed. Most are reporting no driver or software issues which is great news for a public beta and that it is much faster than Vista    

on Jan 10, 2009

I'm about half way through the 32 bit download from Microsoft and hope to have up and running on my other partition shortly. Keys seem to be the issue now. There have been several links posted and instructions given on how to get Keys but it's very 'hit and miss'

Where are you getting this??? I have been going to the Windows 7 page since 3.00 am Oz time... it is now 3.44 pm Oz time and there's just a note stating they are currently getting additional servers on line to handle the traffic.

And links/instructions to keys???  Don't see those either.... got a link you can post for those of us who are still waiting, please.

on Jan 10, 2009



on Jan 10, 2009

How large is the download?
  2.43 GB

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