NBC which was known throughout the election as one of the most biased networks in favor of Obama and the democrats, has banned Ann Coulter from any future appearances.  Now obviously the left-wing is ecstatic that she was banned, but the media reporting this seems to be overlooking a very telling detail of this.

"We are just not interested in anyone so highly critical of President-elect Obama, right now," a TODAY insider reveals. "It's such a downer. It's just not the time, and it's not what our audience wants, either."

Ah, so Obama has to rely on the media to protect him from criticism, how nice.  Well it appears Ann will appear on the Today Show after all, it seems all the bad press they were getting made them reverse their decision. 

on Jan 06, 2009

Heh.. in all truth they are probably doing the right wing a favor.. she's a loon.

on Jan 06, 2009

So they put on Rachel MadCow instead.  Rich... really rich.

on Jan 07, 2009

Heh.. in all truth they are probably doing the right wing a favor.. she's a loon.

Actually not.  She is Politically Insensitive.  And fun to listen to the open and frank honesty.

But what else do you expect?  Each year the MSM gets more and more open and dishonest in their propaganda.  Goebbel's only problem was being born too early. He would do well at NBC or any other outlet today.

on Jan 07, 2009

Ah, so Obama has to rely on the media to protect him from criticism, how nice. Well it appears Ann will appear on the Today Show after all, it seems all the bad press they were getting made them reverse their decision.

I actually watched the "interview" as I was eating breakfast this morning and it was awful.  Rather than talk about her new book Lauer spent the time talking about how she was never banned for life and how all that talk was absurd, then he mentioned the whole Blogo/Burris drama that happened yesterday.  I think they spent all of 30 seconds to a minute of the 3-5 minute interview talking about her book.  Now I'm no fan of Ann Coulter but she definitely came off as the better person in this interview.  When will the MSM realize that ignoring Ann Coulter isn't going to make her go away.