Published on December 15, 2008 By Island Dog In Demigod Journals

In the latest edition of the Demigod blog on, we have Shana Markham from the Demigod design team, sharing though on tuning and balancing in the game.

“Around the time the three of us arrived on the project, we set up definitions for what tuning is and what balancing is. Tuning is about making sure an aspect of the game is working and making sure the base mechanics of it are fun and interesting. Deep Freeze is a great example of how tuning changes the game. It used to be a stun that was very effective against structures, but most players saved it to use on Demigods. Additionally, Torch Bearer could chain stuns together easily, and no one likes being on the receiving end of chain stuns for long. So we tuned the ability to where we encouraged its use on Demigods, and significantly weakened the target without taking their control away. “

Read the full blog at

on Dec 15, 2008

regulus is starting to sound more interesting again

on Dec 15, 2008

we already have a long discussion on this article, could you merge the two?