Published on November 10, 2008 By Island Dog In Politics

The Obama team has been getting ready for their takeover of the White House, so lets get an update on what they have been up to.

Obama Planning U.S. Trials for Guantanamo Detainees

Ah great. Now our justice system will be full of terrorists with sleazy trial lawyers getting them off because they weren't read their miranda rights on the battlefield.

Obama to use executive orders for immediate impact

Remember that the left criticized Bush for doing this. I guess King Obama doesn't need to let things like the House and Senate slowing him down.

Jamie Gorelick for Attorney General?

We all knew that Obama had no experience, but is he really that stupid to get these Clinton cronies back into office?

Rahm Emanuel made Chief of Staff

More Chicago cronies that actually were on the Fannie Mae board, and top recipient of Wall Street. Change we can believe in!

Comments (Page 3)
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on Nov 13, 2008

Um, no.  Citizens.  NOt POWs or ECs.  The Geneva specifically addresses the first (and forbids it) and the latter is taken care of in that document as well (as in NO rights, other than any the host country deems to give them).

I wonder why the third geneva convention exists if POW have no rights. 

The whole reason to have those "unlawful combatants" is to distinguish "lawful" from "unlawful" combatants. "unlawful combatants" are still under the protection of the 4th geneva convention when some conditions are fulfilled. The Geneva Convention also says that a potentially "unlawful combatant" must be treated as POW as long as a qualified tribunal didn't judge on his case, while in guantanamo they were treated as "unlawful combatants" before a tribunal judged on them.

If this is the way people prefer it in the USA its their right to do, but they should officially say that the convention is void then.


on Nov 13, 2008

firstly, embreyonic stem cells are not produced from aborted fetuses. Only cells 24-48 hours old are suitable... eggs and sperm are mixed in a petry dish, and 24 hours later disassembled under a microscope as they are too small to see with the naked eye (converstly, a woman doesn't know she is pregnant until at least a week since fetalization, and abortion isn't used until there is at least something visible to abort)...

When an egg and sperm unite, a human in his embryonic stage of life is the and I and every human person were once in that stage of life....our very distinctive DNA was there. These cells are obtained by killing fellow members of the human species at a very young age.

Which says nothing about my point, there are not aborted fetuses used, they were never inside a woman, it is a zygote created in a lab and taken apart before it can form a fetus. However, from a biologists perspective I would say that this is the point of origin, that is, a person begins existing then... It is just a very fragile point of origin with massive death counts, there are the sperm and egg cells that die in the billions, but then when you do have a fertalized egg, it often fails and dies without the parent even noticing a potential pregnancy. and there are no souls, for anyone (again from a biological standpoint); but it is certainly the moment life begins for a person.

Let me put it this way, if you mix human and ape sperm/eggs then you also get a zygote, it dies shortly afterwards because it is too unstable to survive due to incompatible DNA, but a zygote forms (a few species that are really close to us have a zygote that can live for a few weeks). Does that mean that every instance of beastiality results in a living half human with a soul? Actually from a religious standpoint it makes more sense that God would only place a soul in a baby that is going to be carried to term. Much less not place a soul into a lab zygote (or individual sperm and egg cells)

In regards to their usefulness though, embryonic stem cells are actually easier to produce then adult stem cells, because you just need to take apart a zygote, and we do not yet fully know how to transform an adult cell back into a stem cell. This means that for the moment, ESC are more suited for research and for medicinal use. (despite having to use immune supressors with them)

It is just that in the future it is better to use ASC instead to eliminate the need and dangers of rejection, and the dangers of the immune suppressors taken to reduce rejection rates (causing other risks and complications.

Regardless, the moral issue is one I was not trying to address, but pointing out it has nothing to do with abortion.

on Nov 14, 2008

I wonder why the third geneva convention exists if POW have no rights.

Please reread my response.  POWS have rights.  No where did I state otherwise.

when some conditions are fulfilled.

RIght - which have not been fulfilled. I am glad you agree.  And you must also agree (since you seem to have actually read the document) that what Obama is proposing doing is illegal based upon a ratified treaty the US is a signatory to.


on Nov 15, 2008

what illigal thing is he proposing?

on Nov 15, 2008

I say people that dont cherish the rights we have all should go live in china.... then they get to see first hand how lucky they were here

Really? How many times have you visited China? I'm not disagreeing with your statement mind  you, there is no place like home here in the US. I do feel that using China is a bad example I've been there a few times and it is very much like walking down a street in the US, capitalism is everywhere. Sure they don't vote or have much of a say in government affairs, but many there are not bothered by that in the least. They have a middle class, my wife (a Chinese national from PRC) falls into that category. She even owns a condo. People do tend to stare at westerners with curiosity, especially in small towns, but are generally friendly.

Being a former cold warrior, I don't have much love for communism, but I'll tell you of all the places that felt like what you might have seen in pre-1980's spy movies, was Croatia. I was there about 8 years after their independence. From the laminate wood seats on the buses, to the poor selection in shops, and stoic architecture, you'd think you were in the USSR during the 60's. The people were very friendly though and I'm sure some things have changed since then. BTW Both China (not the big cities) and Croatia are great places to vacation, very inexpensive.

on Nov 15, 2008

we hear about human rights violations in china all the time, of course, recently those have been happening alot in the USA and the other so called "free democracies".

Those violations differ only in their excuse...

In china, russia and similar ones: for the motherland, for duty, for the good of all, etc.

In the "free world": For the children, In the interest of national security, only criminals would oppose that.

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