Published on November 10, 2008 By Island Dog In Politics

The Obama team has been getting ready for their takeover of the White House, so lets get an update on what they have been up to.

Obama Planning U.S. Trials for Guantanamo Detainees

Ah great. Now our justice system will be full of terrorists with sleazy trial lawyers getting them off because they weren't read their miranda rights on the battlefield.

Obama to use executive orders for immediate impact

Remember that the left criticized Bush for doing this. I guess King Obama doesn't need to let things like the House and Senate slowing him down.

Jamie Gorelick for Attorney General?

We all knew that Obama had no experience, but is he really that stupid to get these Clinton cronies back into office?

Rahm Emanuel made Chief of Staff

More Chicago cronies that actually were on the Fannie Mae board, and top recipient of Wall Street. Change we can believe in!

Comments (Page 2)
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on Nov 10, 2008

Both approaches are wrong, and seriously flawed.

It seems the democrats want to give war prisoners regular trials, which is stupid.

It seems the republicans invented new definitions for war prisoners (for example, some turkish/german guy traveling between those two countries when an unsigned memo was given from an unknown source saying he is a terrorist with 0 evidence to back it up).

What we need is a complete overhaul of the prison system... You could be mistried for a crime you didn't commit here in the US and end up in prison for 5 or more years, there have in fact been cases like that... and while in prison you would be abused by the guards and be made into someone's bitch. So...

However, his experience not being much worse doesn't diminish its atrocity, and "shit happens in wars" is no excuse. Sure shit happens, but now you gotta pursecute the ones responsible for it happening, and create new oversight to ensure it doesn't happen again.

Prison, a government sanctioned volunteer rape brigade.

on Nov 10, 2008

We all knew that Obama had no experience, but is he really that stupid to get these Clinton cronies back into office?

He might be!  After all she was the crafter of the plan that lead to the intel breakdown before 9-11.

on Nov 10, 2008

What could be better than restoring the Gorelic wall, coddling terrorists, and turning America into a giant Detroit? Happy dayz are here again!

on Nov 10, 2008

What could be better than restoring the Gorelic wall, coddling terrorists, and turning America into a giant Detroit? Happy dayz are here again!

That would be funny if it weren't.

on Nov 11, 2008

I am aware of the problems with China but keeping them imprisoned even if it is in a communal area (which surely is a euphemism) isn't the solution, why not granting them status as refugees then? Is it because China would protest against such a decision?

China is a big part of the problem. I'm sure we would not like them holding a US citizen, no matter what the crime. Calling these people refuges is not the answer either. They were picked up with the enemy. Why were they there in the first place? I don't think it's right for the US to fight "our" terrorist while turning a blind eye to another countries terrorists. I also don't think it would be smart to release these Uyghurs into the US population, because of what I said above, but more importantly because it's not fair to US citizens. They would need gov assistance and housing and there is no evidence that they would stop doing what they originally went to Afghanistan to do. Under the unfortunate circumstances, this is probably the best that can be done for them at the moment. Rest assured the US is in talks with China over assurances that they won't be killed the minute they are off the plane. By your standards gitmo is a terrible prison, well it just might be paradise compared to where they might be going.

BTW Happy Veterans Day to all those that served honerably and made/or are making a difference.

on Nov 11, 2008


The Obama team has been getting ready for their takeover of the White House, so lets get an update on what they have been up to.


Take a break ID this isn't healthy.

Oh yes it is...since we're stuck with BHO,  the "chosen one" as commander in chief, it's most important to keep each other I appreciate it.

The "Chosen One" promised a Socialist agenda paid for by "spreading the wealth around" and paid for by dipping into the pocketbooks of the so-called rich.

...and now, according to the Washington Times, he's deleted his massive agenda on his campaign website...gone are taxes and the economy, Iraq, and immigration.


Obama to use executive orders for immediate impact

 Remembered he campaigned saying his would be a "transparent" administration?

If I remember correctly, Clinton's EO were mostly done on the "quiet" or when Congress was away out of session. Not so with the Chosen One.

After taking office in Jan. 2009, one of his first pro-death moves will be to throw out Bush's pro-life policies and enforce taxpayer-funded embryonic stem cell research and abortion abroad (Mexico City policy) by executive order.

John Podesta, Obama's administration chief, told the Associated Press that Obama will act quickly through executive order because he thinks Obama "feels like he has a real mandate for change. We need to get off the course that the Bush administration has set."

A top transition official told the Washington Post that Obama and his team are consulting with liberal advocacy groups, Capitol Hill staffers and potential agency chiefs to prioritize the revamping of presidential policy that "they regard as the most onerous or ideologically offensive." 

Out of a list of about 200 Bush administration policies under scrutiny, the ban on federal funding for ESC research was the first policy mentioned in the Post article. 

In Catholic Online opinion column, Deacon Keith Fournier lamented that "with the stroke of a pen human embryos would become property, capable of being 'manufactured' like a commodity, and available to be used as spare parts in experimentation which has produced no discernible scientific results."

The Obama administration also plans to dispense with a ban on taxpayer funding for overseas aid promoting or offering abortion, known as the Mexico City Policy.  President Reagan instituted the policy in 1984, which was repealed by President Clinton in 1993 before being reinstituted in 2001 by President Bush.

Also, under President Bush's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR), health workers are trained to emphasize abstinence and marital fidelity as the most effective ways to combat the spread of AIDS - another policy the Obama administration is likely to dispense with.


on Nov 11, 2008

I keep saying the LIBERALS should start up an "adopt a terrorist program" they are so concerned about them.

on Nov 11, 2008

firstly, embreyonic stem cells are not produced from aborted fetuses. Only cells 24-48 hours old are suitable... eggs and sperm are mixed in a petry dish, and 24 hours later disassembled under a microscope as they are too small to see with the naked eye (converstly, a woman doesn't know she is pregnant until at least a week since fetalization, and abortion isn't used until there is at least something visible to abort)...

But, regardless this process is bad, stem cells research should focus on modifying an adult cell into stem cells... why? because it is YOUR cells and not foreign cells, and as such there is no risk of them being taken out by your immune system (meaning immune supression is not required for the duration of the process).

But... if he just lets people work on those vectors of research rather then actually funnelling money to them, then it isn't that big of a deal. Aborted fetuses would never be part of it.

on Nov 11, 2008

But, regardless this process is bad, stem cells research should focus on modifying an adult cell into stem cells... why? because it is YOUR cells and not foreign cells, and as such there is no risk of them being taken out by your immune system (meaning immune supression is not required for the duration of the process).

Excellent point.

firstly, embreyonic stem cells are not produced from aborted fetuses. Only cells 24-48 hours old are suitable... eggs and sperm are mixed in a petry dish, and 24 hours later disassembled under a microscope as they are too small to see with the naked eye (converstly, a woman doesn't know she is pregnant until at least a week since fetalization, and abortion isn't used until there is at least something visible to abort)...

When an egg and sperm unite, a human in his embryonic stage of life is the and I and every human person were once in that stage of life....our very distinctive DNA was there. These cells are obtained by killing fellow members of the human species at a very young age.

There is a big distinction between embryonic stem cells and adult stem cells...

To my knowledge, ESC's have never helped a patient and it comes with a hefty price tag...the deliberate destruction of a human life, while there is great promise with adult stem cells already having shown to help people with heart disease, spinal cord injury, even Parkinson's disease.  

Embryonic stem cell research requires the destruction of human life at the embryonic stage and Obama knows this although he says it's above his "pay grade".

It will be our taxpayer monies that Obama uses to fund ESC research and that's where I as a Catholic Christian am obliged to protest.

How many times did I hear Obama talk about healing the nation, bringing people together....and yet how can a man do such when by executive order he enforces laws that tear babies apart in their earliest stages of life? Passing this into law isn't going to cause will cause division and conflict between the culture of death and the culture of life, between the culture of love and the culture of domination.  





on Nov 12, 2008

Island Dog

If you are comfortable having islamic terrorists represented in public courts, please say so.

I'm comfortable having people, regardless of race, nationality or association, represented in courts, because that's the American way. Or, it used to be, before they lost the plot.

on Nov 12, 2008


...and now, according to the Washington Times, he's deleted his massive agenda on his campaign website...gone are taxes and the economy, Iraq, and immigration.

According to my own monkeying on the internet (like 3 seconds to go to, it seems that these sections are alive and well. Maybe the WT writer didn't hover over "Issues"?

on Nov 12, 2008


Sorry, perhaps I wasn't as clear as I should have been.

Evidently,, Obama's site while campaigning, had a massive agenda he was promising for his first term. Now, gone from are the promises on how an Obama administration would handle 25 agenda items...from Iraq, taxes and immigration, to name some.

The area that's under question is the "Economy". Instead of transparency, we get deletion....and Grover Norquist, pres. of AMericans for Tax Reform, blasted him for having his transition team delete these 25 items.

Why? Doesn't Obama want to make good on his campaign promises on the economy?  


on Nov 12, 2008

I'm comfortable having people, regardless of race, nationality or association,

Um, no.  Citizens.  NOt POWs or ECs.  The Geneva specifically addresses the first (and forbids it) and the latter is taken care of in that document as well (as in NO rights, other than any the host country deems to give them).

on Nov 13, 2008

Doc I think your wasting your breath on the youth. They think US rights apply to the world and just don't realize how fortunate they really are (and how easily it can be taken away).

on Nov 13, 2008

Nitro Cruiser
Doc I think your wasting your breath on the youth. They think US rights apply to the world and just don't realize how fortunate they really are (and how easily it can be taken away).


I say people that dont cherish the rights we have all should go live in china.... then they get to see first hand how lucky they were here

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