Published on November 4, 2008 By Island Dog In Personal Computing

I was browsing the AMD website today and came across a couple of resources I wanted to share.  Gamers will particularly be interested in this, but it’s a great resource for anyone.

AMD GAME! is a resource from AMD that gives you the latest news on graphics cards, processors, drivers, and everything else you need to get the most out of your gaming experience.  It also includes resources on where to obtain AMD GAME! systems and components.  They also have a vast community area with downloads, blogs, forums, contests, and much more. 

Don’t forget that there is an AMD branded version of Impulse available for download.  There is much more going on over there, that it’s too much to list, so just take a browse through the site and check out what they have to offer.

on Nov 04, 2008

The amd technology forum is the place to go to get help setting up your ATI video card(s) and doing any overclocking-modding.