Published on October 26, 2008 By Island Dog In Politics

Don’t worry folks, your 401K’s will be fine.  Just let democrats and the government take care of it for you.


House Democrats recently invited Teresa Ghilarducci, a professor at the New School of Social Research, to testify before a subcommittee on her idea to eliminate the preferential tax treatment of the popular retirement plans. In place of 401(k) plans, she would have workers transfer their dough into government-created "guaranteed retirement accounts" for every worker. The government would deposit $600 (inflation indexed) every year into the GRAs. Each worker would also have to save 5 percent of pay into the accounts, to which the government would pay a measly 3 percent return.

on Oct 26, 2008

Wait a second.  The government taking part of your retirement money and investing it in private companies, have I not heard this before?

I will be willing to bet two things:

1.  The government will not willingly give up it's controlling interest in the company, which makes the US government slowly gain control of a private business and the private sector of our economy.  We have seen how well semi Government controlled companies have done for us lately (Fannie/Freddie anyone).

2.  Who gets the choice of what companies the government will buy into?  Do you really think that politics will be left at the door?

I wonder how close this Democrat Congressional bill will be to Bush's one that got shot down three years ago.

If my studies are correct, this idea and Bush's idea sounds a little like FDR's original Social Security Retirement bill in which Government invested of a portion of your retire taxes/money.  It was shot down then for fears of Government's interference in private business; it needs to be shot down again.

The US Government is already way too far into taking over private businesses with what Bush is hoping will be temporary.  But when a Democrat gets placed in that office, there will be no one to stop the government from permanently controlling the industry and finance of this country.

I am afraid that Socialism is here to stay people.


on Oct 27, 2008

I am afraid that Socialism is here to stay people.

Sad to say, I agree with you.  I feel for my children and grand children most of all.  "Grandpa, tell me about the time you could go where you wanted to when you wanted to - we like to hear those fairy tales".

on Oct 27, 2008

Dr Guy
Sad to say, I agree with you.  I feel for my children and grand children most of all.  "Grandpa, tell me about the time you could go where you wanted to when you wanted to - we like to hear those fairy tales".

hmm... why would it be a fairy tale?  I d say the two most important traits the founding fathers gave us is industriousness, and VIOLENCE.  I m pretty sure many Americans still have both traits.

on Nov 02, 2008

Unless US law is radically different to how it works here (and as a general rule it's not), I wouldn't have thought a democrat government could bind it's successors into keeping a particular piece of legislation, meaning that presumably if they introduced a bunch of stuff that was seen as a disaster, the republicans could then get voted in and repeal/remove it. Obviously they could make it politically difficult, and introduce costs to dissuade a future government from removing it, but that's about all I could see happening, hence I can't help but feel there's a slight overreaction to the likely state of the US in the future if Obama gets into power.