Every day I visit tons of website, forums, and social networks for all types of topics, most of which are technology based in some sort of form.  This election cycle has really brought out the best of the liberal “group think” mentality regarding Obama.  On just about every social network Obama is praised as “the one” and any hint of disagreement with his policies or ideals is immediately responded with accusations of racism, or just plain insults.  Anybody who wants to claim that liberals are tolerant to others, please give me a shout because I can quickly debunk that.  Even here on our network of sites, there have been insults tossed at the slightest hint of either supporting McCain, or being against Obama.  I’m certainly not saying conservatives don’t dish out their fair share, but the mentality of liberals has once again bordered on the insane and hateful.

It’s tough being a proud conservative, as I will say what I think regardless of what the group and mob mentality is.  The real shame is so many people, especially bloggers in the tech area, are afraid to do the same.  I have received so many private notes and comments in support of standing up for conservatism, it’s almost crazy.  The best comparison I can make is how conservative actors in Hollywood are often ridiculed or turned down for roles because of their conservative beliefs, and the same mentality is going on right now in the blogosphere.  Conservative bloggers, some of which can be considered A-list are having to remain silent about their thoughts on Obama and McCain, simply because they are afraid of retribution from their employers or just not being able to pickup work from other sites.  It’s a shame, and it’s more telling about liberals than it is anything.

I am a conservative, I don’t like Obama, and I will never let anyone intimidate me because of that. 

Comments (Page 6)
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on Oct 27, 2008

I'm TheD2JBug , I can't stand Palin and the GOP hyprocacy.

Do you love Democrat Hypocrisy?

Why is it that across the world, Obama is favored 4:1 over McCain ?

Can you show me those numbers? Outside of Europe and the Commonwealth.

Habeas Corpus was only "destroyed" for foreign terrorists which have no rights under our Constitution anyways.
If you are so concerned

They never had it.


on Oct 27, 2008

And I'm voting Republican because I love being jailed for smoking weed despite the fact that it hasn't killed anyone,

Can you prove that?

Complete the thought: Fund elections federally

They were - Until Obama broke it.

For example, the rise of women's rights,

WOuld an example of this be how Obama has trashed Hillary and Palin?

Ok , just to clarify the tax issue, Obama's tax plan will only bring the tax rates back to what they were under Clinton, And we all know what a mess the enonomy and budgets were under Clinton.

Does one usually poor water on a pyre when trying to light it?

on Oct 27, 2008

For example, the rise of women's rights,

WOuld an example of this be how Obama has trashed Hillary and Palin?

You mean Obama can't campaign and win against women because that's a denial of women's rights?  Some strange logic you present there Dr Guy.

on Oct 27, 2008

Thankfully I don't have to vote for either 'side'...but I'm quite certain if I was American and Palin ended up as Pres I'd emmigrate.

Is this ALec Baldwin in disguise?

The last one is to the Cato Institute a right wing conservative organization that characterizes the privatization of the Social Security program as giving the individual ownership of their social security plan.

Do you fear controlling your own retirement?

Nah...old age and been through these election lies long enough to smell the bull.

It does seem that way for those of us on in years.

(for example, it allowed Phil Gramm's wife, a director at Enron, to help famously tank that company).

And I am sure Krugman had nothing to do with it.

However, in 2002, those very safety regulations were overturned by the GOP (who had legislative and executive control)

Everyone conveniently forgets Jumpin Jim Jeffords

Please stop quoting obviously self-serving Op-Ed BLOGS as factual. You lose all credibility when you base a discussion of facts, which can be debated as far as their impact, on the rantings of some paid for politico spin/hack - from EITHER side of the fence.

Then I guess you dont trust USNews and World report either.  Well, it is just a liberal blog rag anyway.


on Oct 27, 2008

You mean Obama can't campaign and win against women because that's a denial of women's rights? Some strange logic you present there Dr Guy.

Campaign against?  Or trash?  Hint: Google is your friend if you have been living on an icebert for the last 10 months.

on Oct 27, 2008

Hint: Google is your friend if you have been living on an icebert for the last 10 months.

No, I haven't been living on a icebert.  Trash is your characterization that you made to suit your purposes and little else.  You have also failed to show in any legitimate way how Obama has denied women's rights.

The last one is to the Cato Institute a right wing conservative organization that characterizes the privatization of the Social Security program as giving the individual ownership of their social security plan.

Do you fear controlling your own retirement?

My posts on this topic are clear, I will in no way support any destruction of the present Social Security system as proposed by Bush's appointee Biggs, the Cato Institute and other Republican idealogues who want to take the Social Security Trust Fund and turn it over to Wall Street.  Plain and simple Dr. Guy.  The links I provided in this thread clearly support and corrorborate my postion on this matter.

on Oct 27, 2008

Please stop quoting obviously self-serving Op-Ed BLOGS as factual.  You lose all credibility when you base a discussion of facts, which can be debated as far as their impact, on the rantings of some paid for politico spin/hack - from EITHER side of the fence.

Um....democrats are attempting this.  It is fact.

Please see my note above about this.  The combination of both laws, in 1999 and 2002, allowed Enron and the current state of affairs to come to pass...period.

Period....I don't think so. 

ROFL.  You're going to try and stretch a grass roots get out the vote organization supported by ALL Republicans and Democrats (including Obama AND McCain) into this conversation?!  Puh-lease.  Ignoring that utter ridiculousness...

Do you understand how ACORN lobbied democrats and these institutions to grant people loans they couldn't afford?  But then again, you think this is just a "grass roots" organization.  How sad really.


on Oct 27, 2008

Holy Gucamole!!! 80 comments in 1 day aint bad!

Island Dog-

We often disagree on well, just about everything. But I do respect the fact that you stick to your guns and often enrich a debate rather than detract from it.

In short, I disagree with just about everything you say, but respect you regardless of the politics.

If I may throw in my 2 cents, I don't think you really have much to worry about no matter who becomes president. Much has already been pre-determined:

Whoever takes office is going to inherit a mess, economically, militarily and politically. This is unavoidable, and is exactly what happened to GWB.

What many people don't understand is that ever since the 70's when N. America moved away from a production economy we replaced it with a fairytale financial economy in which money trades hands and magically creates more wealth without anything actually being done or produced (this is called the FIRE economy- Finance, Insurance, Real Estate) The only way this can happen is through the creation of bubbles, which are entirely unsustainable. Under Clinton, the economy seemed to be doing great because he had his term timed perfectly for the tech bubble. When he left office, everything was peachy and then things burst during GWB's first term.

This would have hapenned regardless of who was in power at the time.

With GW, while I disagree vehemently with his policies across the board, all he was doing was the time honored and well established tradition of fueling another bubble, this time predominantly housing. There's also the national security bubble which has seen over a trillion dollars of public money pumped into private companies that were making peanuts before but that bubble still has a while to go yet.

However, whereas Clinton was able to get out of office before his bubble burst, GW is not so lucky. He was close though- if things would have held a couple more months he probably would have gotten away with it. So whoever comes into power now is inheritting the colapse of another bubble.

 On the domestic side Obama's policies will be a little more populist than McCain's but overall the core of their beliefs really aren't that different. Yes, Obama may raise taxes on business but this is pretty much inevitable considering the current situation (Bush did reduce government revenue while increasing spending.... hhhhmmmm....) Anyway, I'm sure there'll be ample loopholes to recover much of the new taxes anyway! If you do a comparison, you'll see that both politician's believe in Globalization and have a fairly similar foreign policy outlook. Obama will be a little slower to bomb other countries but he'll still do it nonetheless.

on Oct 27, 2008

And, on a lighter note. 

There are more and more Americans who say the biggest problem we face is our own government, I'm finding it harder and harder to disagree with them.

on Oct 27, 2008

I blame the people of this country for this economy situation more than the politicians

The biggest source of the current financial meltdown that caused huge problems was credit default swaps. Take a look at the 60 Minutes story I posted Web if you have the time.

What I meant by "I blame the people" is that they just sit back and allow the government to get away with blantant obvious disregard for spending wisely without hardly a wimper. I hear it all the time...people bitching about one thing or another...but when I ask them what they are trying to do about it...the answer is usually nothing. I realized full well that the countries being run by a bunch of idiots...but the people here are so full of apathy the idiots know they can get away with it...so having said that...it makes ya wonder who the real idiots are?

on Oct 27, 2008

CarGuy1:  The Obama "quote" you reproduced was apparently widely ciruclated by e-mail.  However, it was actually written as a piece of satire by John Semmens.  Obama was not on Meet the Press on September 7.

on Oct 27, 2008

For those complaining about social security, do you realize that democrats want to take your 401K's and transfer them to government control?

Well I read the story ID but it lacks credibility.  First of all no legislation has been drafted yet.  Secondly, the story doesn't indicate the purpose of the hearings sited and only examines the presentation of one participant.  I'm sure this committee heard from others on this matter as well.  Finally, the story discounts market timing risk and Investor novice risk.  How many people have a sufficient education to understand enough about markets and today feel secure about their 401Ks? 

Why should investing in markets be the only means available to the common citizen for saving for their own retirements?  What is wrong with wanting the lower yields but, much greater safety and protection afforded in the full faith of our government?  Does anyone remember the pension benifits that Corporations lobbied the Congress to be rid of and replaced with 401K plans?  Many executives still enjoy the benfits of traditional retirement pensions.  So do many Governement employees.


on Oct 27, 2008

Yes, Obama may raise taxes on business but this is pretty much inevitable considering the current situation (Bush did reduce government revenue while increasing spending.... hhhhmmmm....) Anyway, I'm sure there'll be ample loopholes to recover much of the new taxes anyway! If you do a comparison, you'll see that both politician's believe in Globalization and have a fairly similar foreign policy outlook. Obama will be a little slower to bomb other countries but he'll still do it nonetheless.

It's inevitable because that's what he wants.  To tax some Americans to give to another.  That is the wrong thing to do in these economic times.

Meet Joe the CEO.


Well I read the story ID but it lacks credibility.  First of all no legislation has been drafted yet.  Secondly, the story doesn't indicate the purpose of the hearings sited and only examines the presentation of one participant.  I'm sure this committee heard from others on this matter as well.  

You think they don't want to take over 401K's?  Is there any money that democrats don't want to tax and regulate?


on Oct 27, 2008

First of all no legislation has been drafted yet

If it gets to this point where there is actual legislation to look at then I'll re-consider what your saying until then your arguement is a strawman. 

In other words, there's no facts or evidence in anything you've pointed to or posted for what you're saying.  Namely this:

You think they don't want to take over 401K's?

Please keep in mind Bush's appointee Biggs actually developed real Legislation that never passed that would have destroyed Socail Security as I had indicated and provided more than sufficient links to back up what I was saying with some facts.

on Oct 27, 2008

I am a conservative, I don’t like Obama, and I will never let anyone intimidate me because of that.


Vote McPalin.

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