Have you been there?
Published on October 20, 2008 By Island Dog In WinCustomize News

Last weeks poll on WinCustomize asked a simple question….Do you use RSS feeds?  The results were nearly a tie, but I was surprised at the amount of people who said “no”.  I read through RSS feeds every day for news, product reviews, etc, and it’s been quite handy in reducing the time it takes to go through many sites.

This weeks poll we are asking if you have checked out the GUI Champs website yet.  The 2008 GUI Championships kicked off and even though it’s still very early in the competition, we are seeing some awesome skins coming in.  If you haven’t checked it out yet, go see for yourself at www.guichamps.com.

on Oct 20, 2008

The site looks great!  I can't wait for some of the features to roll over to Wincustomize.


on Oct 20, 2008
I visit every once in a while. It takes so long for the page to load. When I click on the GUIC shortcut it will take about 4 minutes for the page to load. Even this site seems to be slow. I tried to vote but I just got tired for that page to open up. So the past week I haven't been visting as I have before.  
on Oct 20, 2008
That response took 3m 42sec to load.