Published on October 14, 2008 By Island Dog In Demigod Journals

The RPG Vault at interviewed Mike Marr, Lead Designer of Demigod, on various aspects of the game.  Here is a quick excerpt from the interview.

Jonric: What is Demigod? What kind of game are you making, how did the idea for it come about, to whom will it appeal, and when will it ship?

Mike Marr:
The inspiration for Demigod was the desire to make an action game that was easy to pick up, fast to play and got your blood pumping. It's in a new genre with few competitors, and the thing that really sets it apart is the range of RPG options; entirely unique and off the wall demigods, team-based objectives plus awesome art style and level of detail.”

Read the full interview at

on Oct 14, 2008

Professional voice actors!

on Oct 14, 2008

about 15 skills for each demigod!

on Oct 14, 2008

Much better article.  This one got me excited.  Some interesting points I wanted to highlight:

1.  Definately still has generals.

2.  Target ship date is February 2009.

3.  Persistant achievemants and items!!!!

4.  8 maps on release, some wide open and some confing.   Underwater and space level.  When do we get this one?  Please include in the next Beta.

5. Persisstant Online Meta-game!!!

***although size is indication of excitement, it is in no means directly proportional to said excitement.  and remember size isn't everything.

on Oct 14, 2008

Also of note, Two "advisors" with professional voice acting.  I assume this is for the single player story.  Also, I assume each mission will on on a map for a secific demigod, seems to conincedental to have 8 maps and 8 demigods.

on Oct 14, 2008

Professional voice actors!

Funny story.. Sins of a Solar Empire featured professional voice actors, but just that fact doesn't always make it likeable to everyone. Case in point? A guy with a forum nick "Starscream" was complaining about a Vasari dialogue that was voiced by the same actor who did Starscream in the Transformers movie. Delicious irony

Still, Demigod may or may not have this problem, depending on how weird they'll want to make them.


on Oct 14, 2008

damnit, I want the game now more then ever...

on Oct 15, 2008

I can play as the ROOK!?

I just had a gamergasm.

on Oct 15, 2008


Quoting ToxDrawace, reply 1

Professional voice actors!

Funny story.. Sins of a Solar Empire featured professional voice actors, but just that fact doesn't always make it likeable to everyone. Case in point? A guy with a forum nick "Starscream" was complaining about a Vasari dialogue that was voiced by the same actor who did Starscream in the Transformers movie. Delicious irony

Still, Demigod may or may not have this problem, depending on how weird they'll want to make them.


haha, that wasn't really the most exciting thing to me, I just thought it was funny that they mentioned having professional voice actors. Doesn't really come across as one of the most important or exciting aspects of a game. But then again, it IS all the little details that make the difference.

on Oct 15, 2008

A guy with a forum nick "Starscream" was complaining about a Vasari dialogue that was voiced by the same actor who did Starscream in the Transformers movie. Delicious irony

lol, I remember that...