Published on September 26, 2008 By Island Dog In Politics

McCain won this debate.  Obama was stammering and on the defensive throughout most of it.  McCain "schooled" Obama on foreign affairs while Obama was busy repeating attacks on Bush and old talking points.

Democrats, you should have went with Hillary.


Comments (Page 4)
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on Oct 01, 2008

There is only one reform to NCLB that will make a difference. Scrap it and refund the money to the states.

I don't entirely agree with this statement.  Federal government has poked its nose into state education ever since this bill was put out since now they had more investment, but I don't think that scrapping it is going to solve our problems for the nation's education standards.  If we want all students to succeed there should be more accountability for teachers, schools, and districts, but this should still not be based on federal initiatives.  States should have the control over education, no doubt.  Still, we do need this federal money in the schools to provide improved resources for development to compare adequately across the globe.

hey! We all do.

Lol, the *wink*!!  Dr G winks with me now , and for those that don't get it...I'm not that old.

on Oct 01, 2008

Obama isn't focused on the academics?? Look again, o' closed-minded one.

This is a cut and paste from Obama's blue print for change..



High-Quality Zero to Five Early Education

Obama will launch a Children’s First Agenda that provides care, learning and support to families with

children from birth up to five years old.

Reform No Child Left Behind

Obama believes that the goal of No Child Left Behind was the right one, but that it was written and

implemented poorly and it has demoralized our educators and broken its promise to our children. Obama

will fund No Child Left Behind and improve its assessments and accountability systems.

Improve K-12

Obama will improve our schools by recruiting well-qualified teachers to every classroom in America. Obama

will improve teacher compensation by rewarding expert, accomplished teachers for taking on challenging

assignments and helping teachers succeed. Obama also will reduce the high school dropout rate and close

the achievement gap by investing in proven intervention strategies in the middle grades and in summer

learning and afterschool opportunities.


Obama's  "Children's First Agenda" would provide care, learning and support of children ages 0--5 years old????...where is it in the US Constitution that says the President's job is to provide this?

You need to wake up Kurtin....Obama is a Socialist.

on Oct 01, 2008

Initiatives for providing early education and support systems for children = socialism?!?  Nonsense!!  Don't you like providing opportunities?  Remember, a plan put together by a candidate doesn't just happen.  We need legislation to support such procedures.  If you want to put country first, especially in education, there needs to be a federal level of involvement while providing money and resources.  Just so you know, going to his site and posting bullet points doesn't help your cause since I have already been there and read up.  I have done the same at McCain's.  Now, if you want to talk about specifics, it might help to listen to speeches and focus on the talks within the debates.  I know for a fact that Obama specifically mentioned improving student learning for mathematics and sciences to compete in industry and business on a world-stage.  Providing those highlights doesn't support your perception that Obama isn't in support of academics... in fact, from what I read in those simple points, he does care about our schools and the futures of our children.

on Oct 02, 2008

Kinda like how the current Congress is controlled by the Democrats yet they could not pass the bailout bill and blamed the Republicans for it even though 90 Democrats voted against it.

Yup! My point exactly. And the morale of this story children is...


on Oct 02, 2008

I don't entirely agree with this statement. Federal government has poked its nose into state education ever since this bill was put out since now they had more investment, but I don't think that scrapping it is going to solve our problems for the nation's education standards.

One, the feds have been in education for a lot longer (think Carter and the new Cabinet position - and even before then).  I worked in education (state and local) for about 13 years, and saw the stupidity, waste and outright fraud (from a definition standpoint, not a legal one) that was perpetrated by the feds in it.  SO I have no illusions about NCLB starting it.

And 2, the premise is all wrong.  The feds cannot do a thing for education.  I will say that at least from good intentions, NCLB was a try.  But they are simply too far removed and do not have the authority to do good, only to make things worse.  Education, regardless of your desire, is a local issue.  It is run locally.  It is done locally, and ideally the parents and teachers should take care of it locally.  But the feds can only mess with the batter the cook is trying to make, and not create their own batter.  National education standards is a myth.  You have pockets of excellence and pockets of rot.  But the feds cannot address the rot since they do not (nor would I ever want them to) have the tools, the expertise, or the knowledge. The one promise that Reagan did not keep, but should have, was to get rid of the Dept of Education.  It is just an albatross on the necks of the good schools, and does nothing to help the bad ones.

States should have the control over education, no doubt. Still, we do need this federal money in the schools to provide improved resources for development to compare adequately across the globe.

And that is where we diverge.  I see no value in sending money to DC, only to be sucked dry by a bureaucracy that has no other purpose than self perpetuation, and then to let the dried shriveled dregs filter down to the local level.  I find it funny that people who rail against the trickle down theory of Reagonomics, push so hard to implement it on a government level.

The locals could do a lot more with the money if they were allowed to keep it, instead of forfeiting it to the feds.

I'm not that old

That's what we ALL say.

on Oct 02, 2008

Initiatives for providing early education and support systems for children = socialism?!? Nonsense!!

Yes, the feds and the states getting involved in the education of 0 to 5 year olds is Socialism. Education is first and foremost the obligation and duty of parents, the state, local and municipals governments are there to assist, if the parents want assistance. Obama's plan would have government invasion in the lives of families from the getgo. His plan starts by giving ten billion dollars per year would go toward getting 4 year olds in school.   

If you want to put country first, especially in education, there needs to be a federal level of involvement while providing money and resources.

And this says you don't understand the fundamentals of what the US Constitution authorizes.  As president, putting country first means running the country according to the Constitution. Get it through your head, Kurtin, education is NOT  a constitutional issue. Unless the Constitution is amended, federal guidelines should only be advisory. DrGuy has put it very well.

The US Constitution says nothing about job creation, public education, medicare, government run retirement schemes, but it expressly charges the federal government with the defense of the nation foreign and domestic. The present domestic crisis caused by the Carter and Clinton Administrations, together with the Dems in Congress, namely guys like Dodd, Schumer, and Barney Frank, along with their greedy bum friends in Wall Street must be defended against. We'll see how they do. I'm not impressed with the Senate...expect if of Obama but am very disappointed in McCain. They passed the bailout at something like 820 billion adding on over one billion in pork. He said he would name names of those who spend in pork and here was his chance, but guess what....he'd rather not be partisan.... so, evidently he doesn't mean what he said.  


on Oct 02, 2008

Again, you seem to think I have no concept of the US Constitution.  My position addressed the fundamental necessity of building America's education system up to match those in other nations.  I did say that states should have control, why??  Because I know that nothing in the Constitution says that federal control should be applied.  However, look at the situation.  State control doesn't always cut it.  We say, "Then just don't live in that state if you want a better education," and that's just the kind of attitude that lets students fall through the cracks and ships our jobs overseas.  We need improvement as a nation, and if we are going to provide federal money, which IS a good thing, we had better make sure it's being put to good use by via national standards for teachers/administrators (this job can't be done by just anyone).  Just because the US Constitution says nothing about creating jobs and Medicare are not reasons to NOT provide them.  It isn't unconstitutional to provide service for our citizens.  Yea, I'm sure the founding fathers were thinking about Medicare when they were coming up with that bad boy.  Dr Guy, has made a good point, and I was glad to recognize the point he made.  The way he has reacted and responded to me about the subject indicated that he was open-minded, and possibly an educator, and I was right to think that. You, however, do not seem to make good points to me and are just against any kind of change to steer the nation, education, science, etc. in a new direction.  Ultra-conservatism FTL.

on Oct 03, 2008

We need improvement as a nation, and if we are going to provide federal money, which IS a good thing, we had better make sure it's being put to good use by via national standards for teachers/administrators (this job can't be done by just anyone).

I have a fundamental difference with your position.  But I will leave you with this happy compromise (dont worry, it will never happen).  If you want to make education a national issue - pass an amendment.  But this sneaky shit back door crap (the current federal education programs) is not promoting your position, only undermining it.  If you do something half assed, then dont expect to see it turn to gold.

on Oct 03, 2008

Because I know that nothing in the Constitution says that federal control should be applied. However, look at the situation. State control doesn't always cut it.


This is Socialism...which essentially says ditch our Constitution, the ends justify the means, when they don't.  

In the proper order of government, Public Education is under state government and that's where it should only be. Federal intrusion has ruined it. Obama's plan adds fuel to the fire...he would throw more money at it and add 4 year olds to an already failing system. Stupid is as stupid does.

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