McCain won this debate. Obama was stammering and on the defensive throughout most of it. McCain "schooled" Obama on foreign affairs while Obama was busy repeating attacks on Bush and old talking points.
Democrats, you should have went with Hillary.
Yes! Reality Check! NCLB is "more money to schools" written by a liberal! God help us!
I have a better idea. Reduce taxes by the amount you want to "help schools" and let the locals keep the money and help schools! The farther away you get from "the schools" the more money is wasted. Very little of your federal tax dollar earmarked for education actually gets to the student level. Most is sucked up by bureaucrats in the chain.
yep, tis true!
Yes, you are correct about the 'earmarked' money, Dr Guy, but what about money that isn't? Perhaps Obama's education spending initiatives look a little more appealing to you? I hope so. The necessary reforms to NCLB will take place under his leadership.
For me after seeing this video, McCain wins in the trust category too.
The mainstream media are all biased towards Obama and like him are trying to pin the crisis on Republicans...don't believe it. This is a clip of a Congressional Banking and Finance Committee hearing on regulating Fannie's proof the Democrats, including Barney Frank, wanted no part of regulating Fannie Mae. You'll see a guy from Fannie Mae being questioned....Franklin Raines....He's the guy who works for Obama as his chief ecomomic advisor. Raines was knee deep in Fannie Mae.
Obama claims he'll clean up this mess, yet, his very advisors, Raines and Johnson, are responsible for the mess in the first place!! Are you Obama devotees getting this? Obama trusts people who greedily tore down Wall Street and lined their pockets bigtime to be his advisors....and I must ask....what does Obama "owe" Raines.....a top position in his Administration should he be elected? I shudder at the very thought....and another reason I can't trust Obama.
Lula, no Republican would check facts at NPR. Only a far out left winger would do such a thing. (I can swear I hear toccata fugue D minor).
So, Anthony,,,'re quite right....
JohnReed is BUSTED?
Marching in liberal lockstep, Kurtin.
Today the average government school cost per year for one student is $10,000. While I learned to read by 1st grade, today it's by the 4th....I'd like to see kids be able to read by 4th grade for $40,000. In 2007, 34% of 4th graders scored below basic reading on the national assessments. This spells B-I-G P-R-O-B-L-E-M, Kurtin. How is throwing more money going to help in your estimation? That's how it got to be $40,000...low scores...liberals throw more money....still low scores....liberals throw more money....
In case you haven't noticed, Obama isn't addressing these low scores....nope, they aren't even on his radar...he's not focused on academics....that's becasue he's only heard from his special interest groups and been advised by the NEA...they aren't interested in teaching kids to read, spell and do math. They want 4 year olds joining 5 year olds learning in sex ed that Susie has two mommies. If you don't believe me check out what's going on in Massachusetts this school year.
No, throwing money at schools, as DrGuy and KFC have already mentioned doesn't get "trickled down" to them anyway, isn't the way to go. Not if one really cares about kids that is....
Do you have any idea how this all works?? Try explaining the process in your lame terms to someone else who might not work in the education business. I learned how to read by's about the teachers. It's also about the parents providing a positive learning environment for their children outside of the school system. High standards are put in place with NCLB to keep to that promise of improving where our education system is currently lacking. However, removing money and shutting down troubled schools is not seeking improvement. That's simply denying progress. Obama isn't focused on the academics?? Look again, o' closed-minded one.
What makes you believe Obama can 'fix it?' For one thing, his pockets are loaded with Franklin Raines cash, and that puts him right in the middle of this whole housing scam that got us here in the first place.
Did I once say that Obama could 'fix it?' Wow, I guess I must be slipping with age...
No but I thought thats what you implied with the whole 'lets not assign blame' mantra. How can you fix a problem if you won't even look at what caused it in the first place?
Even so, at the time, who was controling Congress? Who was the majority in both Higher and Lower chambers? Who had majority to choose the appointments of critical federal positions?
On the whole, the Republicans too backed down from doing more regulation. I'd say both parties are much to blame.
Exactly Lula.
How can you fix a problem if you won't even look at what caused it in the first place?
exactly Anthony!
How many of you read the NY times and remember the piece written up in 1999? I just put the artilce up on my site that gives us a yesterday glance at how, where and when this all started. Franklin Raines was a very big player in all of this. What gets me is that he was Obama's choice for running his VP selection committee. Just goes to show you Obama is a very poor decision maker yet once again.
No, it goes back to the strings attached. The only education plan that Obama coudl propose that I would say "Ok, that is new" is to cut taxes and have the locals increase theirs to pay for it. Because a dollar sent to Washington gets back to its intended "aid" point as about 37 cents. And I dont think Obama is proposing that (to be honest I dont think McCain is either, but that was not the question).
There is only one reform to NCLB that will make a difference. Scrap it and refund the money to the states.
hey! We all do.
Kinda like how the current Congress is controlled by the Democrats yet they could not pass the bailout bill and blamed the Republicans for it even though 90 Democrats voted against it.