What is your opinion?
Published on September 23, 2008 By Island Dog In WinCustomize News

Last weeks poll on WinCustomize asked if you are going to compete in the ‘08 GUI Championships.  It looks like we still have quite a few undecided, but that might change when we announce the new prize sponsors we have lined up.

The new poll for week asks, “Have You Been Satisfied with the WC Subscriber Skins?”  Over the last couple of months we have released several WinCustomize Subscriber skins such as Boulder, Golf, etc.  We wanted to know how satisfied you have been with this new feature for WinCustomize Subscribers.

on Sep 23, 2008

Well with regards to WC subscriber skins I'd rate them like this:

1) Boulder is a good 4 out of 5 skin.

2) Rockstar isn't bad but not real usable. I'd say 3 out of 5.

3) Stardust is well done but just not my style. 3 out of 5.

4) RIP is okay but getting dated now but it's pretty usable.

The art talent on all of these is first rate, I think it's just a matter of direction. Here are some skins I (just speaking for myself) would like to see:

a) A modern version of Plastic something like (https://www.wincustomize.com/zoom.aspx?skinid=2260&libid=1) but with Vista styling withthe title bar buttons and such.

An iPhone-e like skin, basically something very shiney and metalic.

c) Something that makes the borders of windows look like paper or something like that.

Just my 2 cents.

on Sep 23, 2008

This new poll is really hard to answer with just: "yes or no".

Although they are made to a very high quality standard, they are very special skins and as such are not to everyones gusto or for everyday use. I would prefer to get some less "experimental" skins. 

on Sep 24, 2008
What ever happened to this skin? I thought this one was going to be released awhile ago. Basically the subscriber skins haven't been to bad...though I kinda expected them to be a bit better.
on Sep 24, 2008

For Wb users.. not the Mycolors market, I would also say more mainstream, less "themed" themes would be a more attractive incentive to (re)subscribe.


on Sep 24, 2008

Out of the offerings I put Stardust, WC Select & RIP at the top. However, I agree....the line-up so far has little in the way of "Daily Use" skins. I would like something more practical like Treetogs Mini-OS or Kol's Thallos. I imagine I'm like most subscribers, I rarely see my taskbar so I look for skins with well done menus, buttons and good title bars.

Burgundy (was that an ODNT subscriber skin?) is a good example of what I'd like to see as Subscriber skins.....

on Sep 24, 2008
Good thing about the "yes" or "no" poll approach was it made me get off the fence. I probably would've said 2 or 3 out of 5 overall rating if it were presented that way. I ended up going to the subscriber skin list and thinking "Well, I really don't ever load any of these, so I guess it's a No." Apologies to the folks that made them, they're nice enough skins, but there it is. Wouldn't be surprised if a lot of folks love at least a few of them. Love/Like/Use several of the other free premium type skins and suites that come from Stardock, but we're just talking about the "Subscriber Resources" list here, right? Just trying to provide meaningful feedback.