Lets get started!
Published on September 15, 2008 By Island Dog In WinCustomize News

Well folks, now is the time to start the real countdown to this years GUI Championships, the largest GUI customization competition around,  and to give some more details about the competition.  Let me first start off by thanking all our sponsors for this years event, I have no doubt this will be the best one yet!

The GUI Champs ‘08 will officially start on Monday, October 13th

The judging and more detailed schedule will be posted soon, but this is when we will start accepting entries.

Prizes (as of 9-15-08)

As it stands now, we have well over $10,000 in cash and prizes for this years event so far.  I say “so far” because we are still talking to a few great folks about additional prizes, and I will post more info as it comes in.  More details about prize distribution for categories will also come later.  Just be assured we have a great prize lineup already.

The current GUI Champs ‘08 categories are:

  1. WindowBlinds Skins
    1. Most Original
    2. Most Usable
    3. Best Overall
  2. IconPackager Sets
    1. Most Original
    2. Most Usable
    3. Best Overall
  3. Animated Wallpapers (.Dreams)
    1. Most Original
    2. Most Usable
    3. Best Overall

So that is the Pre-Kickoff, and more info will be along shortly.  There’s plenty of time to get the skins going before the official start, so get to work if you haven’t already.  Also, be sure to visit this post that details more of the rules for this years event.

Comments (Page 1)
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on Sep 15, 2008

 Monday, October 13th. 

And for a moment I thought it'd be Halloween  

Anyway, good luck to the paricipating people  

on Sep 15, 2008
Is it safe to say "let the games begin" yet?   
on Sep 15, 2008
on Sep 15, 2008
Maybe a new " Dream " ?
on Sep 15, 2008
i will enter just becouse now i can do icons.., but i was waiting for a cursor theme category..., how foolish i was   
on Sep 15, 2008

These are some excellent prizes!

I can't wait!

on Sep 15, 2008
Great!!! i can't wait to see all the Fantastic skins that we will be able to play around with.....
on Sep 15, 2008


Great list of prizes [so far], I.D.

I really hope we get the quality of participants we got for the last GUI-C...

There was some fantastic stuff last time.

on Sep 15, 2008

Every member of the community can also help out by spreading the word about the competition.  Whether you have friends, classmates, etc. that can do design work, or really anybody that would be interested, send them a link or post it on your own blog.

on Sep 15, 2008

send them a link or post it on your own blog.
Badges . .we need some steenkin' badges 

on Sep 15, 2008

Badges . .we need some steenkin' badges

That's on the to-do list.

on Sep 16, 2008

on Sep 16, 2008

Island Dog
That's not a badge!


This is a badge:

Steenkin Badge



on Sep 17, 2008
Good luck to everyone participating in the Gui Championship.

GuiChamp 2006 was the best of Gui Championship ever. Let's all hope that GuiChamp 2008 will bring as much fun and masterpieces to us all.

I would not be Elsius Saint if I don't add a little warning feel to it. Don't just bring your famous names, bring the very best of your talents and make sure whatever you submit is better than you've ever done. Why? There are many unknown artists looking for their big breaks, they want to make a name for themselves. What a perfect way for them to introduce themselves and take the front row lead. Last Gui Championship was so filed up with some great masterpieces that some top of the line skinners decided to pull out to prevent the embarrassment.

I once again have hired myself to report the facts and to be louder more than ever. I will only be chanting, clapping for the best of the very bests. I will be weighting the submissions and not the artists. I will be the independent judge. I stand alone.

I have been assigned to lead the world media including CNN, FOX News, MSNBC, BBC, etc....

Good luck to all!
on Sep 17, 2008
Hey Zubaz

There's something about the badge logo. You might want to take the "S" out from Championshisp
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