Published on September 9, 2008 By Island Dog In Wildlife

Today, several of us took a nice walk for lunch, and we stopped over a decent sized pond.  The first thing Brad spotted was this Snapping turtle that looks like it has been there for many years.  It was different for me as usually an alligator would be more common than that.

I was able to grab a quick picture before it took off.


on Sep 10, 2008

I used to have a snapping turtle...ended up releasing it back into the wild.

I have a painted turtle now.  Saved him from being thrown away by some idiot. 


on Sep 10, 2008

It's a lot bigger than it looks in the picture because the picture is taken from high above.

on Sep 10, 2008

I got lots of turtles in the lake behind my apartment. As some of you may know, I also have a pet gator back there as I showed on my article. Some nice fishes as well, just bought my kids some fishing rods (those that shoot the bait like a nerf gun, rocketshot I think it's called) and worked great. My younger son already caught 2 fishes there.

on Sep 10, 2008

I wish the picture did him more justice.  Glad you got to see our "monster".

on Sep 10, 2008

Actually, there are two of them that size, and we think all the other turtles are descendants.  We call the one that you see most often "Nessie".

on Sep 10, 2008

If it's the common snapping turtle(Chelydra serpentina), it should look something like this if you get up close:



on Sep 10, 2008

Yeak, it's a snappy turtle. A really old, BIG one.

on Sep 11, 2008

They look so cool.

on Sep 13, 2008

I want one just to have wandering around my home!  They move so slow