A great guide for beginning skinners
Published on September 3, 2008 By Island Dog In WinCustomize News

After a long time in the making, the SkinStudio 6 tutorial is released.  This comes at a great time, especially with the GUI  Champs ‘08 right around the corner.  This tutorial guides users through the entire process of making a WindowBlinds skin starting with descriptions of the elements of a Graphical User Interface.  It then guides you through the process of how to use SkinStudio, and how to assemble the various parts of a skin to ultimately make a complete skin. 

This tutorial is aimed more at beginning users who are new to SkinStudio, or possibly thinking about creating their own skin.  SkinStudio 6 is a huge improvement over past editions, and the creation of skins is much more easier for beginners than it was in the past.  I haven’t made a full WindowBlinds skins in a while, and I was pleasantly surprised while creating this tutorial of how much better the experience was.  That’s not to say that creating a high-quality skin is easy, it still takes a lot of time planning, creating graphics, etc., but at least SkinStudio makes piecing them together much easier.

The tutorial was recently updated to reflect recent changes in SkinStudio, and to done in a format which is much easier to follow and learn from with plenty of screenshots to go along.  There is also an extensive Table of Contents, which is also linked at the bottom of every page for quick navigation between chapters.  Over the next couple of days I will post some snippets of the tutorial, just to show some highlights.  If you have been thinking about creating your own WindowBlinds skin, now is the time to start!

For more information about SkinStudio please visit www.skinstudio.net.  There is a free version of SkinStudio available, but this tutorial was created with the Pro version that is available for just $19.95, or a special Bundle that includes WindowBlinds for just $29.95.

Link: SkinStudio 6 Tutorial


Comments (Page 1)
2 Pages1 2 
on Sep 03, 2008


Now all I need is talent!

on Sep 03, 2008

I really, really want this pdf tutorial, I've tried all the links now, starts downloading and then say's...error has occured on this page....any help Island Dog, is it my side or wincustomise, thanks

on Sep 03, 2008

Worked here fine.  FF3.

on Sep 03, 2008
on Sep 03, 2008
I really, really want this pdf tutorial, I've tried all the links now, starts downloading and then say's...error has occured on this page....any help Island Dog, is it my side or wincustomise, thanks

No problems here.

on Sep 03, 2008

Worked here fine. FF3.

Ja I also have FF3, its not downloading, must be my side, a plugin missing or something

on Sep 03, 2008

on Sep 03, 2008

Just one thing: where's the "personality" section (at it was named in SK5) ?

on Sep 03, 2008
Now all I need is talent!
on Sep 03, 2008
I'll have to take a look through this during the winter when I have the time to try and add a window blind to that start menu I made last winter Thanks ID
on Sep 03, 2008

Great ! I can post my first master skin next week...

on Sep 03, 2008
This is EXACTLY what I have been looking for! Thanks a million!
on Sep 04, 2008

Just one thing: where's the "personality" section (at it was named in SK5) ?

Anyone to tell me ?


... and more precisely i want to be able to:

- add a soundenabled=1 line (i want to assign sounds to titlebar buttons)

- add or modify the rightclickfunction to roll up

- modify the rollupsize

and also where's located what was called in SKS 5 section Menus / Bar Background / Bar Items and Bar Items - Look Like

on Sep 04, 2008
@ Neophil78

- modify the rollupsize:

* on SKS6 go to "Edit titlebars and windowFrames > UIS2 > Caption >> Extra tab >> Size of when rolled up"

- and also where's located what was called in SKS 5 section Menus / Bar Background / Bar Items and Bar Items - Look Like

* on SKS6 go to "Edit Controls > Edit Menus and menubars >> Standard menu bars" is tha whole section.
on Sep 04, 2008

Thanks very Much danillo0c

Any idea on how adding "soundenabled=1" on whole skin ?

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