Published on September 3, 2008 By Island Dog In Politics

Let me see if I have this right.

  1. Sarah Palin is unfit to be the Vice President because her 17/yo daugher is pregnant.

  2. However, it's OK that the Presidential nominee, Barack Obama, did cocaine at 17/yo, that is not a problem.


Comments (Page 1)
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on Sep 03, 2008

However, it's OK that the Presidential nominee, Barack Obama, did cocaine at 17/yo, that is not a problem.

Well, to play the Devil's advocate: many of our founding fathers were huge coke heads.


on Sep 03, 2008

Well, to play the Devil's advocate: many of our founding fathers were huge coke heads.

And don't forget the past of our current president.

on Sep 03, 2008

Sarah Palin is unfit to be the Vice President because her 17/yo daugher is pregnant.

However, it's OK that the Presidential nominee, Barack Obama, did cocaine at 17/yo, that is not a problem.

Is the son of a pregnant unwed mother fit to be president?

on Sep 03, 2008


Well, to play the Devil's advocate: many of our founding fathers were huge coke heads.

Huh? And where would they have gotten cocain in the 18th century?

on Sep 03, 2008

What I am curious is, considering it is said that any American born citizen can be President of the US, does this mean that any young person who got pregnant underage, was not married and may or may not marry the baby's daddy not qualified to be President of the US? Also, the parents of these children are also not qualified? So people with some mistakes are excluded from becoming Presidents? Hmmm, does this make Obama perfect? After all, he is already seen as a God, a savior, the US last hope.

on Sep 03, 2008

Huh? And where would they have gotten cocain in the 18th century?


Quite right, if they were addicts to something it would more likely be Opium.

on Sep 03, 2008

What I am curious is, considering it is said that any American born citizen can be President of the US, does this mean that any young person who got pregnant underage, was not married and may or may not marry the baby's daddy not qualified to be President of the US? Also, the parents of these children are also not qualified? So people with some mistakes are excluded from becoming Presidents? Hmmm, does this make Obama perfect? After all, he is already seen as a God, a savior, the US last hope.

Their mistakes don't disqualify them from meeting the requirements to be President, their mistakes might cause them to lose public favor which could mean losing the election.  I personally think way too much is being made of this teen pregnancy, but that is what happens in our age of infotainment rather than news.  A teen pregnancy in the family gets much higher ratings than news of a candidate using drugs 20-30 years ago.

on Sep 03, 2008

Huh? And where would they have gotten cocain in the 18th century?

Quite right, if they were addicts to something it would more likely be Opium.'re right.  Cocaine wasn't isolated from the coca leaf until 1855.  

Coulda swore I heard that somewhere, that'll teach me to do more research.


on Sep 03, 2008

Hehe, they'd still be smacked on something


Just goes to show the danger of listening to rumours!

on Sep 03, 2008

Is the son of a pregnant unwed mother fit to be president?

Is the son of a pregnant unwed mother fit to be born?  That is the question.  If Barack is doing the asking, that is.

on Sep 04, 2008

If Barack is doing the asking, that is.

If Obama was president, would he have "punished" his mother that way?

on Sep 04, 2008

Anyone who claims that our fore-fathers were spun out on drugs during the evolution of our nation (1800's) obviously thinks that our country is a joke. I know about the past of our current president, and I'm not condoning his actions. When Obama was young he did do drugs, and I commend him for bringing it out in the open, and was honest about it. It was Obama's CHOICE to use drugs. It was NOT A CHOICE for Sarah Palin to hear the news of a grandchild. I feel as if Obama's past of using drugs has in some way been glorified, and celebrated.

on Sep 05, 2008

Let me see if I have this right.

Sarah Palin is unfit to be the Vice President because her 17/yo daugher is pregnant.
However, it's OK that the Presidential nominee, Barack Obama, did cocaine at 17/yo, that is not a problem.



Nope, of course that doesn't make her unfit to be Vice President.  Unfortunately, her utter lack of experience on foreign affairs does, and the fact that she didn't know the duties of the Vice Presidency only three weeks ago.  Though I will give her some credit, she can give a strong speech.

on Sep 05, 2008

It's not like the job of a vice-president is particularly onerous. Anyone could do it. I'm not sure why people take it so seriously - considering how many advisors a president has, even the craziest and most inept person couldn't do too much damage before they're declared too ill to retain office, so even the possibility of a vice-president becoming the president is a non-issue.

The vice-president may as well be attractive. That's all they're there for.

on Sep 05, 2008

her utter lack of experience on foreign affairs does,

So we should have impeached Bill Clinton, Jimmy Carter, and of course George Bush?

In the last 100 years, only 2 sitting senators have been elected.  A couple of VPs, and the rest - guess what?  GOVERNORS.  Which by the constitution, they are not allowed to have foreign experience.  Yet Governors make the best presidents, as we have seen.  And Palin is a VP, not a president.  Or to be more accurate, a President in Training.  So when do they get the foreign policy experience?  WHen they are elected.

BTW:  Palin has as much as Obama does - and he is supposed to be our next President!  But then that is why presidents have cabinets.  Or were you not familiar with that concept?

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