Published on August 31, 2008 By Island Dog In Democrat

This is coming from the same people who accuse the GOP of being "liars" and "smear merchants".

From Newsbusters:

As I reported earlier, the scurrilous claim that McCain vice presidential pick Governor Sarah Palin faked her pregnancy with a Down's Syndrome child is beginning to spread among the lowest of the nutrooters. Now, the unhinged, smear site has boosted this lie to their front pages. Naturally, since these hate sites feed into each other, the spurious source of the DU story is another DailyKos story like the one I earlier reported upon.

Pile this on top of the low blow from TV's Alan Colmes who claims that Palin didn't practice proper prenatal care before she had the baby with Down's Syndrome, blaming the Mother for her disabled child. Well, the lefties don't know a low road they won't take. (Colmes' site has crashed right now, but this is the address if it ever comes back:

Liberals really know how to lose elections.



Comments (Page 3)
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on Sep 02, 2008

Ah, a deliciously ambiguous term.  All families have different what the hell does this term actually mean?  It can be interpreted in a variety of contexts.

Not aborting a child with Down syndrome and being there for your pregnant daughter are family values I do respect.


on Sep 02, 2008

Again Dr Guy pay attention to the argument and read my above post
Jesus man get it togther

Why?  YOu just PROVED my point with your canibalism?  Jesus man, go vegan!

on Sep 02, 2008

Pregnant teen = family values?

No, what the parents do = Family Values. 

I find it hilarious that liberals are now arguing children are Stepford!  When they have tried their damnedest to usurp parent authority in virtually all matters (It takes a village idiot).

Perhaps if liberals realize all they are doing is picking on children, they will stop this stupidity.  But then intelligence was never a requirement for liberalism.

on Sep 02, 2008

Pregnant teen = family values?

Murdering babies = liberals family values?


on Sep 02, 2008

That truth hurts, that's all I have to say.

on Sep 02, 2008

Not aborting a child with Down syndrome and being there for your pregnant daughter are family values I do respect.

And I would agree. 


However, the umbrella term "family values" irks me a bit because you actually have to spell out what values one is talking about.  Values can be good or bad and families are as diverse as can be.  Sure it sounds good, but there's no real meaning without further explanation.  I just hate how people run on a platform of "family values" and somehow that seems acceptable...but maybe I'm just being anal about the English language again.  I prefer all the details spread out before I know exactly what I'm getting into.


on Sep 02, 2008

Getting pregnant from rape and not having a choice = human rights?

Women not having a choice what to do with their bodies = equality?

All I'm saying is a lot of conservatives prefer abstinence and not teaching about contraceptives. Now assumeing this was an unplanned pregnancy, which since it's out of wedlock I assume it is, maybe Sarah Palin and other conservatives should reconsider their stance on contraceptives.

Not to say that this baby will be a 'mistake' or anything of the sort, but it would make the childs life ALOT easier since wether we like it or not, her personal life will be thrusted out into the public eye since her mother is now on the ticket for VP.

on Sep 02, 2008

Women not having a choice what to do with their bodies = equality?

Can you ingest cocaine into your body?  Why not?  It is your body.  Is that equality?

bad logic does not make good arguments.

on Sep 02, 2008

All I know is, the savaging of Sarah Palin and her family has just begun.  There is no way the sexists in NOW, the incompetent press and the far left are going to allow a conservative Republican to be the first Woman VP.   They are going to pull out all the stops in the sleaze department to make sure that doesn't happen.

In the end though, whether Palin becomes VP or not, NOW, the incompent press and the far left are going to have exposed themselves for who they are.  They don't give a flying flip about women's rights at all.  They care about furthering leftists.   That is ok of course, I mean, they are free to work towards getting leftists elected, but the lie of "women's rights" will be laid bare.

Actually, it already has, but those whose religion is abortion won't admit it to save their lives.

on Sep 02, 2008

If ANYONE really wants to ingest cocaine into their body, they can. That's equality. I'm sure its pretty easy to come by. I'm actually anti-war-on-drugs so I'm not sure if thats the best example for me to try to counter, IMO if someone really wants to do that to themselves and ruin their lives, we shouldn't waste money housing and feeding them in jail. If they turn violent, as does occur, then yes throw them in jail.

But either way when I say equality, I mean equal between all races, sexes, and people. Cocaine is illegal for all people, so yes that is equality. Men do not have restrictions as to what they can or cannot do to their body.

And just so everyone knows, I'm not a "liberal" or a "conservative". I do not associate myself with a title like such. I hold ideals that are a mix of both Democratic and Republican ideals. If Ron Paul was on the ballet for the republicans, I would vote for him. If there was a more traditional republic on the ballot, I could see myself voting for them. What I can't vote for though is a pro-war, anti-individual liberty canidate (Patriot Act). Just wanted to let that out for people who want to call me a "liberal" like its a bad word. I analyze both canidates and choose the one I agree with on the big issues.

on Sep 02, 2008

But either way when I say equality, I mean equal between all races, sexes, and people. Cocaine is illegal for all people, so yes that is equality. Men do not have restrictions as to what they can or cannot do to their body.

Yet another similarity between abortion on demand and legal Black slavery.  The idea that one person can own another.  Equality is, neither men nor woman can kill a fetus.  Your own example shows the inequality of the "pro choice" argument.

on Sep 02, 2008

But either way when I say equality, I mean equal between all races, sexes, and people. Cocaine is illegal for all people, so yes that is equality. Men do not have restrictions as to what they can or cannot do to their body.

Silly person, married men cannot have a vasectomy without signed permission from their spouse.

on Sep 02, 2008

My example could be spun either way then depending on when you believe life begins. Excellent example though.

By the way anyone watching the Ron Paul convention on CSPAN-2?

on Sep 02, 2008

Dr Guy
Women not having a choice what to do with their bodies = equality?Can you ingest cocaine into your body?  Why not?  It is your body.  Is that equality?bad logic does not make good arguments.
This is a baby

on Sep 02, 2008

You know why Because it can think

It has blood flowing through its body and a working circulatiory system

It can breathe

I only think abortion during the first quater of pregnancy when some of these things dont work

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