Published on August 20, 2008 By Island Dog In US Domestic

As I have wrote about before, the United States is just too divided that a President will never “unite” the nation.  There are too many ideologies going on, and one will never change the other.  The solution?  Divide the U.S. into East and West.  I have put a lot of thought into this, and I am certain it will work.  Basically, we can draw a line down the middle of the country and give the liberals the left part, and the conservatives the right.  Of course we will have to make some concessions, which Texas was probably my biggest issue.  I wanted to keep Texas on the conservative side purely for oil, but I really didn’t want the problem of illegal immigrants, the left would prefer them.  We might have to make Texas some sort of neutral zone or something.

The Constitution will remain intact for both sides, but there will be a set of federal governments for each.  Everything else is fair game, but has to abide by these rules.

On the liberal side:

  1. Gay marriage will be allowed, and if people also want human/animal love that can be decided by popular vote.
  2. No domestic drilling for any type of resources will be allowed.  Nuclear power will also not be allowed.  Only power sources like solar, wind, etc. can be used immediately.
  3. Open borders.  Immigrants from any country across the globe will be allowed in.  No restrictions on silly things like terror lists or health standards, everybody is welcome!
  4. No military.  Hey, Berkley doesn’t want the military so we will go with that.  The liberal side will have a National Peace Force lead by Code Pink.
  5. High taxes.  The liberal side will be free to tax whatever they want.  To start off with, any company moving to the liberal side will automatically be taxed 80% of their income, and CEO’s cannot make more than $10/hr.
  6. Everything must be “fair”.  If you have two cars, and your neighbor doesn’t have one, then you will have to give one of your cars up.  I mean things like this are only “fair”.
  7. No guns.  I mean guns are the cause of all crime, and if we outlaw them, then crime goes away.
  8. Hollywood.  Please keep Hollywood and the things they produce.  The right side will find their own entertainment.

On the Conservative side:

  1. Marriage will only be with a man and a woman by law.  Animal/Human relations will not be tolerated, even those people who take their pets to the store with them.
  2. Drill Drill Drill.  The right side will be able to drill for any resources deemed necessary, and nuclear power will be allowed.  No foreign oil though, at all.
  3. Closed borders.  Even if it means constructing a big fence, illegal immigrants will not be tolerated and any found will be deported to the left side immediately. 
  4. Low taxes.  Any business choosing to move or stay on the right side will get an 80% tax break for the first two years.  CEO’s will not be regulated.
  5. Fairness Doctrine outlawed.  None of that on the right side.  We don’t need to regulate fairness according to government standards.
  6. Entertainment.  Citizens on the right side will not be able to import movies from Hollywood, but they will be allowed to throw things at people on the left side.  It’s what we call “fair”.
  7. Plenty of guns.  No limits on size or amount of guns a citizen can have.  Concealed carry laws for everyone!

I say we keep the country this way for a good 10 years or so.  Whatever side is successful will take over the other.  Fair enough?

Comments (Page 1)
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on Aug 20, 2008

Never happen.  As soon as you mentioned "fair", after the liberal side lays waste to their side, they will demand support from the other side in the vein of "fairness".

on Aug 20, 2008

Hollywood.  Please keep Hollywood and the things they produce.  The right side will find their own entertainment.

Well, we can always make our own Hollywood not related to California. Florida does have a Hollywood of its own just North of Miami anyways.

on Aug 20, 2008

That experiment was already tried in Germany, Austria-Hungary, Vietnam, and Korea.


on Aug 20, 2008

Well, we can always make our own Hollywood not related to California. Florida does have a Hollywood of its own just North of Miami anyways.

Oddly enough the conservatives would get New York as an alternative to Hollywood.


on Aug 20, 2008

What if I don't want to live on either side?

I'm for Gay Marriage and abortion rights, but I'm also for drilling.

I'm for closed borders, the military, low taxes, but I like some of the Hollywood entertainment.

I'm torn on guns.  I'm for people owning guns for hunting and home defense, but I see no reason why anyone but the military needs to have assault rifles.

How about three Americas, the left, the right, and the middle.

on Aug 20, 2008

How bout we just seperate them by blue red county?  California has only  few blue counties, just their population is huge.

on Aug 20, 2008

How bout we just seperate them by blue red county?  California has only  few blue counties, just their population is huge.

But again where does that leave people like me who are socially liberal (pro gay marriage, pro choice, etc) but fiscally conservative (lower taxes, small and limited government, etc.)?  By only allowing blue or red areas I wouldn't have anywhere to live.

on Aug 20, 2008

But again where does that leave people like me who are socially liberal (pro gay marriage, pro choice, etc) but fiscally conservative (lower taxes, small and limited government, etc.)?

Winter in Florida and summer in california?

on Aug 20, 2008

What if I don't want to live on either side?

The world is a big place.

on Aug 20, 2008

you can only have the coastline of California, the rest of the state is Conservative.

on Aug 21, 2008

Basically by dividing the country into enclaves you would be implementing the same strategy for peaceful co-existence that has worked so well for the Bush administration in, oh say, Iraq.

We are already pretty far down this path. You have the part of America that is mortgaged to China, the part that is mortgaged to Saudi Arabia, the part that is mortgaged to Venezuela.....

What if Haliburton gets the no-bid contract to build the fence? After $1 trillion in costs, it would only be like 3 feet long and 1 foot high.


on Aug 21, 2008

by dividing the country into enclaves you would be implementing the same strategy for peaceful co-existence that has worked so well for the Bush administration

Excuse me! Wasn't it the Democrats that wanted Iraq divided into three parts? Get your facts straight and stop drinking the kool-aid.

on Aug 21, 2008

I don't want to live in a country where everyone thinks the same way.

I don't think the country is split frankly.  Not having perfectly aligned ideologies doesn't constitute a split.  If that's the definition then I don't know any families who are united.  Or any two individuals for that matter.

There is a fine line between questioning everything, wanting everything to be different, and total anarchy.  I think we are united in our Constitution and it keeps us from slipping over the edge.

on Aug 22, 2008

We tried this already, it resulted in such humane and groovy things like "The Dredd Scott Decision", The 3/5 Comprimise, the Missouri Comprimise, and a little even in our nation's history that Southerners call "The War of Nothern Aggression".

Fortunately some of our nation's history has been remembered well enough that we should see no reason to doom ourselves to repeating it.


Besides, the left has already laid claim to the Left Coast and the New England states on the Right Coast.  The Right already has a huge majority of the counties in the US, so why would we give them up to a bunch of Lefties who already consider it "fly over country". ;~D


on Aug 26, 2008

Fine with me. Except I object to your choice of division. Probably the fairest division would be the red state, blue state map based on the outcome of the 2008 election but I'm afraid that will leave the Red States of America very puny indeed.

Tell you what, I'll agree to split up the country based on the red state blue state map of the 2004 election which is probably the best outcome the Red States of Amerika could hope for in most folks remaining lifetime.

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