What were you thinking?
Published on August 17, 2008 By Island Dog In Democrat

I have no shame and I am proud to admit I am a Conservative American.  However, McCain is obviously not my first choice but I will admit he has a good shot at rolling right over Obama this fall.  After watching some of last nights "forum" I really have to wonder what goes through the heads of democrats in this country.  If they truly want "change", why nominate a candidate with no experience and a very shady background?  I mean seriously, did anybody at the DNC ever take a look at Obama's background?

What we know about Obama:

  • He's a good speaker.
  • He wants "change".
  • He's black.

That's about it folks.

We all know he wants "change", but depending on what state he's in or what the poll's show, that "change" is hard to figure out.  With gas prices topping out at over $4 a gallon, Obama's solution seems to be the same solution for everything across the board.....raise taxes.  Of course his supporters don't realize the implication of that because they are too busy holding hands and chanting "change" whever they go.

What we don't know about Obama:

  • If he's actually eligible to run for President.
  • Why he is hiding his muslim past.
  • Why the media is going to great lengths to cover for Obama.
  • And much, much more.

Now me making note that Obama (or Barry Sotetoro) is black will automatically make me labeled as a racist.  That is the tactic the Obama campaign and the DNC have done from the start, and they think Americans are too stupid to not realize it.  Lets make it known, I don't care what color Barry is, it makes no difference to me.  The only person who has made race an issue in this campaign is Barry himself.  Anyone who disagrees with his policies, or questions his past is labeled as a racist and the media runs with it.  The only issue I have with race in this campaign is Barry's support for people like Wright and Louie, or in other words, the real racists in this election. 

There are now serious questions being raised to if Obama is actually eligible to be President.  Back during the debates, the DNC and media pushed a story that McCain wasn't eligible because he was born in Panama.  The McCain camp fought back this attack and won, but the media hasn't made any mention of the allegations against Obama that his birth certificate is faked, and that his whole background is a fuzzy blur.  Is it true, I don't know, but why doesn't the media and Barry come forward with the truth and put this matter down?

Next, Barry keeps lying about his muslim past.  My problem isn't that he was a muslim, my problem is that he keeps lying to conceal the fact.  For what purpose?  Even his own family in Kenya wonders why he is hiding his past.

Now this "forum" this weekend really proved what I have been saying for months, Obama is nothing more than a huge marketing campaign.  If he is not in front of a teleprompter or has the ability to select the questions given to him, he stumbles....and he stumbles BAD.  McCain blew Obama away and the far left is non to happy about it today.  They are now promoting new stories that talk about how Novembers election is already "rigged" for McCain, and other nonsense that they make up.

The fact is Obama is a horrible candidate for the democrats, and you really have to start asking why the democrats chose Barry.  I often make tongue-in-cheek comments about the intelligence of people voting democrat, but after seeing millions of Americans being fooled to vote for someone with a fake "rock star" image, I have to wonder if my comments are really true.


Comments (Page 2)
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on Aug 18, 2008

Hillary may have her chance yet

If Hillary manages to wrestle the nomination from Hussein all hell breaks loose... get the microwave popcorn ready

on Aug 18, 2008

After the convention Barry will be nailed with the video of his wife during her rant, and the allegations that his birth certificate is fake.


on Aug 19, 2008
the allegations that his birth certificate is fake.

He was hatched?
on Aug 21, 2008

OK, I have not done any research on this so I am a bit confused. It is believed that both candidates were born outside the US? I mean in this article it has a link to a dispute of McCians bith certificate and now Obama has a possible fake birth certificate as well? How did we end up with these 2 candidates with such conflicting issues?

on Aug 21, 2008

Off topic, is it just me or has the "quick reply" box changed looks? And the smileys?

on Aug 21, 2008

Off topic, is it just me or has the "quick reply" box changed looks? And the smileys?

Changed?  I dont see any changes?  Have you been drinking kool-aid?

on Aug 21, 2008

Lord almighty...


He was born in Hawaii. How the hell does that not make him a natural born citizen? It doesn't, because he is. I'm sorry if you all don't want to hear it, but the facts are the facts.


Concerning him being a so called Muslim or whether or not he is hiding his family and him being raised by a Muslim, oh well.

What does it matter IF he was a Muslim? I'm sorry, I'm not so short sighted or paranoid. I really wouldn't care. Besides that point, it isn't what you were "born" (How can someone be born muslim?), but what you are now. He's Christian, that's all should matter, right?

Seriously, come on... I may not be a supporter of his anymore, but this...obsession/paranoia is ridiculous.

If they truly want "change", why nominate a candidate with no experience and a very shady background

Honestly, I think it is because for most people experience equals corruption and/or incompetence. Also, everyone has a shady background, as far as i know when it comes to that Chicago insider guy, it's been looked into.


on Aug 21, 2008

First of all, to all of you who complain that Obama was "selected not elected" might I remind you, the only purpose for a primary election is for each party to "select" their nominee.  The party leadership get to set the rules for that selection because, well, the nominee is the party's candidate, not the nation's candidate.

Too many people seem to think that the primaries are there to decide who gets to run for the office of president.  They aren't.  If you want more say in who the party chooses, be more active in your party.

In the end though, Obama was chosen this time for the same reason all democrat nominees have been chosen since at least Carter.. probably further back than that.

Basic rule of presidential election rule #1: The republicans will chose the one "whose turn it is" regardless of any better choices, and the democrats will choose whoever the press chooses, regardless of better choices.

Do a little research into who got the nomination from both parties, check out who they were before they were even considering running.  You'll see that this is true.

 To me, the only real question about his Muslim past is, is he lying about it or not?  If he is, then it is relevant, if not, then (at least to me) it isn't.  Same with his birth certificate.  If it is fake, then it is more than just relevant, it makes him a felon.  If it is real, then yes he was born in the US, and eligible to run.

The accusations against McCain were nothing more than an incompetent press inspired fantasy.  He was born in a US Military hospital to two US citizens.  Some people have a misconception that the US Constitution requires a candidate for president be born on "US Soil" or some other words they conjured up meaning within the confines of the US... but that is wrong.  The applicable part of the US Constitution states, "No Person except a natural born Citizen..."   So, to anyone who thinks it says anything else... get it right before you argue your lack of a point. :~D

on Aug 27, 2008

Yeah sucking money from the economy by raising taxes during a downturn is genius (sarcasm for those who miss it). Are you one of Obama's economic advisers?

It really depends on whom you raise taxes, the wealthiest americans are paying the least in taxes they have paid I know since before carter, but my guess is that it goes back way before that.  I know that during carter the tax rate was 75%, which I agree is way to high.  A better rate might be about 35-40%.  I do know we ask the wealthy to take a bigger portion of the tax burden, but lets face it they can afford it.  And for a party that supposedly speaks so prominently about patriotism isnt this the ultimate in being there for your country other than laying down your life for it?  Funny more rich people than not are conservatives and always paint liberals as non-partriotic, but when it comes to them what do they do that is patriotic?  Do they send their sons and daughters to war?  Nope.  In fact many times they try to buy their way out back when we had the draft.  Do they voluteer to help the government out more with money?  Nope.  In fact they just keep taking and taking more in personal wealth.  Being patriotic is an action, not just words.


on Aug 27, 2008

the wealthiest americans are paying the least in taxes they have paid I know since before carter

I guess you dont know since they are now paying  more than at any time in history.  But dont let facts get in your way of good talking points.

Just remember the yachts genius.

on Aug 27, 2008

I guess you dont know since they are now paying more than at any time in history. But dont let facts get in your way of good talking points.

Just remember the yachts genius.

Percentage wise you are wrong my friend and that is what counts....By your logic we are all paying more than at anytime in history for everything.


Under carter wealthiest were paying 76% that came down during reagan and bush to I beleive 35% and under Bush to 33% for top tax bracket.

on Aug 27, 2008

Under carter wealthiest were paying 76% that came down during reagan and bush to I beleive 35% and under Bush to 33% for top tax bracket.

I check myself on this one the exact number are as follows

Carter Years 70-71%

Reagan Bush(most of the years)28.9%

Clinton years 39.8%

Bush years 33-35%


Still they paying much less now than at most times in our modern history.

on Aug 28, 2008

Percentage wise you are wrong my friend and that is what counts

Why is "percentage wise" what counts? 

on Aug 28, 2008

Percentage wise you are wrong my friend and that is what counts....By your logic we are all paying more than at anytime in history for everything.

Percentage wise we are all dead.  You can jack the marginal rate up to 100%, but if no one pays it, what have you done?  The proof is in the payments, and the proof is that currently the richest 1% pay the highest percent of all taxes in the past 40 years.  That is the proof. 

So when someone tells you "the rich use to pay" it is a lie.  The tax rate use to be, but the rich did not get that way by being stupid, so they dont pay that rate.

As far as part 2 of your fallacy, just remember the yachts.  So the rich can pay more?  Yea, who is going to hire people to get us out of the recession (or slowdown)?  The bum on the street?  Have you ever gotten a job from a poor person?  tax the money away, and they have no money to invest, which means no jobs, which means no expansion.  So go ahead and kill the golden goose. 

And the Yachts?  The idiots in congress decided to "soak the rich".  and destroyed the livilyhood of thousands of non-rich people.  And the Rich yawned.

It is not a theory.  It is a demonstrated fact.

on Aug 28, 2008

As far as part 2 of your fallacy, just remember the yachts. So the rich can pay more? Yea, who is going to hire people to get us out of the recession (or slowdown)? The bum on the street? Have you ever gotten a job from a poor person? tax the money away, and they have no money to invest, which means no jobs, which means no expansion. So go ahead and kill the golden goose.

And the Yachts? The idiots in congress decided to "soak the rich". and destroyed the livilyhood of thousands of non-rich people. And the Rich yawned.

It is not a theory. It is a demonstrated fact.


If you give a rich man a million dollars how much of it do you seriously think will make its way to the bottom people?  I work at a huge world wide company and I can tell you to a tee every person of management will do whatever it takes to lie there way to success and fill their pocket books usually through bonus' for good looking "numbers".  I have caught them time and time again, and have won grievance after grievance.  Those are the facts.  And guess what Even though I win the grievance I still only get a small percentage of what I should get.  So in effect I still lose.

Look at history trickle down economics does not work never has, rich are too greedy its never enough(of course there are some expections as I dont want to be told I said all rich people are bad).

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