Published on July 29, 2008 By Island Dog In Democrat

I don't care for either Presidential candidate this time around.  Both suck, but Obama sucks worse.  Here is my reasons I will be voting against Obama.

  • Higher taxes.  Obama has no clue about taxes and follows the tired liberal line of more taxes will solve all problems.

  • Spending.  For years we have heard democrats complain about republican spending and deficits.  To a point they were right, but Obama's spending plans so far are incredible, and the costs will not come from tax increases on "the rich".

  • Media.  The media is so much in the tank for Obama, they don't even try to hide it anymore.  That is reason enough nt to vote for him.

  • Anti-American associations.  Obama has a long and troubling history with ties to anti-American groups and people like Ayers and Wright.  There are too many to mention here, but his associations with communists and marxists is also very troubling.

  • Social programs.  Obama proposes massive increases in social programs including his national healthcare plans which will cover illegal immigrants and provide state-sponsored abortions.

  • War/Terrorism.  Pretty obvious here that Obama has no clue when it comes to the threats facing the United States.  In true liberal fashion, he is more worried about what the Europeans think of us than anything else.

  • Inexperience.  He barely has any experience in Congress, and even his supporters have a hard time listing his accomplishments, mainly becuase he really doesn't have any.

  • Cult following.  The people who follow Obama are really no different than a cult you would see on TV. 

  • National Security Force.  Obama has proposed a National Security Force by civilians which will be "just as powerful" as the U.S. military.  If Bush or McCain proposes this, they would yelling police state, but not with Obama.


Comments (Page 1)
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on Jul 29, 2008

Thank you for the nice list. Hopefully someone pro-Obama will see this and change.

on Jul 29, 2008

Well I won't be voting for him either and you have hit most of the reasons why.

His associations are horrible (as you mentioned) and he doesn't even have to balls to stand by his convictions (if he has any) because as soon as one of his trusted associates start to cause poll slippage he just tosses them under the bus.


I actually would have had more respect for Obama if he either :

A. Denounced Wright immediately


B. just stuck it out with him and said "Yeah, I think he is right."


Instead he chose the Eunuch's path.

As for the National Security Force though... I would point out that this already exists in the form of the stumblin' bumblin' Homland Security Department/TSA. They already are making attempts to parallel all intelligence and secuirty operations extant in both thte military and Three Letter Agency worlds.


on Jul 29, 2008
(time to go fishing)

I won't vote for him because his last name rhythms with Osama and his middle name is Hussein.
on Jul 29, 2008
I won't vote for him because his last name rhythms with Osama and his middle name is Hussein.

Ok Ted (Kennedy), get back in your bottle!
on Jul 29, 2008
on Jul 29, 2008

You forgot his plans to unilaterally disarm America so that we can have a Utopian "world without nuclear weapons"

on Jul 29, 2008
I don't like either major party candidate, Obama is going to bloat our government to levels never before seen and McCain seems to be Bush number 3.

I prefer either Bob Barr (Libertarian Party) or Ralph Nader (ex-Green Party, now Independent). I am leaning towards Bob Barr more and more because of his stance of less government is better government, but his views on abortion bother me. If I were to vote today though I would probably vote for Barr.

I highly recommend everyone out there look into third party candidates and not just for president but for congress too. Remember every member of the House is up for election every 2 years and 1/3rd of the Senate is up every 2 years so we are electing a President, 435 members of the House and 33 Senators this year. Lets send a big message to the idiots in Washington that this trend of pointing the finger of blame at the "other" party must stop, this trend of "do-nothing" congresses must stop. Kick out ALL the incumbents and if possible replace them with third party representatives so that more of the American voice can be heard in Washington rather than the special interest groups.
on Jul 29, 2008

Those are good reason to not vote for Mr. "Gift from the world to America" Obama.

on Jul 29, 2008

Anybody Europe loves, is enough for me to never vote for them.

on Jul 29, 2008

Eh, I like Obama more than McCain. I don't agee with everything Obama says or has on his platform, but honestly, McCain just seems like a Bush-lite (which is odd given who/what he was years back). I would rather change horses than ride the same one with a different color.


Anybody Europe loves, is enough for me to never vote for them.

::Arches his eyebrows and just shakes his head, sighing::

I don't understand why, but whatever floats your boat.


I highly recommend everyone out there look into third party candidates and not just for president but for congress too. Remember every member of the House is up for election every 2 years and 1/3rd of the Senate is up every 2 years so we are electing a President, 435 members of the House and 33 Senators this year. Lets send a big message to the idiots in Washington that this trend of pointing the finger of blame at the "other" party must stop, this trend of "do-nothing" congresses must stop. Kick out ALL the incumbents and if possible replace them with third party representatives so that more of the American voice can be heard in Washington rather than the special interest groups.

That's a nice wet dream, but it's not ever going to happen; just look at history. Americans are too apathetic and such to act instead of complaining. Sad, but true. I've little faith in humanity as a whole.


on Jul 29, 2008

Bob Barr is nothing more than a hypocrite. He is the author of the "Defense of Marriage Act" despite having been divorced three times himself. He wants to make government small that it fits inside your bedroom. (Props to Stephen Colbert for that!)  He also voted for the Patriot Act, though he latter said that he regretted that.

The National Debt is expected to rise by $482 billion dollars next year, not counting $80 billion in war costs. (Forbes.) The debt is $9.5 trillion dollars. $9,500,000,000,000.00. Are you okay with that? You don't think that we need to increase taxes?

Which social programs will you cut? Welfare? I have a hard time talking about cuts in Aid to Dependent Children (the largest portion of the welfare budget) when we just allocated $25 billion to bail out the mortgage lenders. That is not counting the $29 billion that we gave JP Morgan to buy Bear Stearns.

In order to make these bailouts legal, we had to raise the ceiling on National Debt to $10.6 trilllion.

My point is that we, as Americans, have given billions to people whose need is at best unclear. And these handouts were done with the consent of both parties.

John McCain offers more of the same. He seems to think that the only way to curry favor is to out-Liberal Obama. At least Obama offers the hope of change.

Besides, I look at who is against him...and I want to be on the OTHER side.


on Jul 29, 2008

As a "typical white woman" clinging to my Bible and my God given Constitutional rights: Not a chance! No way!

McCain - the one thing I am sure about - he won't abandon our military. Also - it seems he got the message on amnesty - but I'll have my e/mails at the ready to keep on the right path - the law applies to everyone or it applies to no one.




on Jul 30, 2008

Besides, I look at who is against him...and I want to be on the OTHER side.

That's funny, because I look at who is for him, and I see people like Wright and groups like Hamas... and I want to be on the other side.

Besides, I am white and against enslaving women. That already makes me "the other side" in the eyes of Obama's friends.


on Jul 30, 2008
Which social programs will you cut? Welfare? I have a hard time talking about cuts in Aid to Dependent Children (the largest portion of the welfare budget) when we just allocated $25 billion to bail out the mortgage lenders. That is not counting the $29 billion that we gave JP Morgan to buy Bear Stearns.

The myth is "program cuts". It is not necessary to cut programs to get a balanced budget, just hold the line on spending. However in newspeak, if you do not increase spending by an arbitrary amount (decided upon by the custodians of newspeak) it is called a cut.

With that being said, yes I would cut it. When the government has to advertise to spend money, there is too much money chasing too few people. And that is one program that advertises that it wants to spend more money.

And as for the bailouts, on that we agree. It is ridiculous and wasteful. And should not have happened, nor continue to happen either in the financial markets or any other markets.
on Jul 30, 2008
against enslaving women.

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