Stardock’s Impulse is here, and whether you are purchasing a game, software application, or MyColors theme, the checkout process is basically the same.  I wanted to write a guide showing just how simple purchasing through the Impulse Store is, and what to expect when your sale is completed.

This is the Impulse Store.  You can get here by selecting the Store tab in Impulse.


As you can see in the notes in the screenshot, you can select different tabs to view different product categories.  From there you can also filter and sort by using the drop-down menus.  Once you find something you are interested in, just click it and a more detailed product view will appear.  I’m going to select the Rockstar MyColors Desktop.


You can view more detailed info here, and when ready to buy, just click Add to Cart. From there you can either continue to shop and add more to the cart or just start the checkout process.  We will move on to checkout.


The screenshot above shows your cart, where you can review the products in it and make any adjustments if needed.  If you have a coupon you have the option to enter it here, and then select Checkout or select to pay with Paypal. 


This is where you need to start entering  your billing information such as your name, address, e-mail, etc.  One of the great features about Impulse is that you can purchase an item for someone else and have it sent to them.  Just select the check box and in the next step you will just need to enter their recipient information.  Otherwise, you will now need to enter your payment information as seen below.

Payment Information_After_BillingIngo

After your payment information is entered, it’s time to confirm it all.

Review-after Credit Card info has been added

If everything looks good, go ahead and click Place Your Order.

Transaction Complete - after clicking Place order

Your order is complete.  Since we ordered a MyColors theme, this is a digital download so at the bottom of the page you will see the information about download links and registration numbers.  This information will also be e-mailed to you.  As you can see in the screenshot, you might also be prompted to download and install your item now. 

That should pretty much cover the purchasing process through Impulse.  When using Impulse it’s important that you make sure the e-mail you enter for registration is the same e-mail you used to purchase with.  You can view all your registrations and even add or modify them through the registration section in Impulse.


For more information and download for Impulse, visit the ImpulseDriven website at

on Jul 16, 2008
Very nice. I look forward to having an option for it to store more of my info ala iTunes (the iTunes app store should be a model for others).  I want to be able to press a button and have my app.
on Jul 16, 2008
Very nice. I look forward to having an option for it to store more of my info ala iTunes (the iTunes app store should be a model for others). I want to be able to press a button and have my app.

Just be sure kids/strangers/wierdos/I'm aren't/not randomly pressing that button.
on Jul 17, 2008
I keep hearing about orders that don't go through via Impulse. Have those problems been fixed?
on Jul 17, 2008
I keep hearing about orders that don't go through via Impulse.
Hearing where?
on Jul 19, 2008


I keep hearing about orders that don't go through via Impulse. Have those problems been fixed?

Can't say I've heard that one before. I've made an order using the beta version of Impulse in the past and it never happened.

on Aug 09, 2008
Any plans to add Google Checkout?
on Aug 09, 2008
After using the free version of Object Dock for a while I decided to finally upgrade to OD Plus last night. Also figured it would be a good test to see how that worked with Impulse. So just like presented above everything entered in and no sooner than I could switch tabs my registration for OD+ was up and available for Downloading. DLd at about 400Kbps(my average for DL is 360Kbps at most places) and now it's happily running.

As I was one of the ones with some ongoing issues with Impulse for a bit, just thought I'd relay my successful conclusion and say thanks.