This guy is getting scarier by the day.  Now Obama plans to give his nomination acceptance speech at Invesco Field, so he can deliver the speech to 75,000 of his cult followers.  This guy has an ego that can’t fill any stadium, and it’s still troubling anybody believe that this guy is anything more than a good marketing campaign.

Will Obama be throwing t-shirts into the crowd, maybe a stage dive?  This has really become a sad joke.

on Jul 07, 2008
Troubling maybe. Unexpected - not really. His ego is outpacing his intellect.
on Jul 07, 2008

Keep in mind we live in an American Idol, Survivor, MXC, Ninja Warrior country where people like to vote with their cellphones, take note of the fake lives of the participants and whether or not they would sleep with them.

on Jul 08, 2008
This guy is getting scarier by the day.

Gee if only we had a senile old man to accept the republican nomination while behind him stand the three or four remaining people in the country older than him. Watching McSame stutter through how billionaires don't have enough money and the middle class needs to stop expecting anything other than a tax bill so the govt can give more money to billionaires will undoubtedly be a sight to behold.

This guy has an ego that can’t fill any stadium

You are just pissed that Obama CAN AND HAS gotten 75,000+ at his events and McSame has to move fundraisers WITH THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES from a convention hall to a banquet hall and finally to a personal home because nobody wanted to be seen with either of those two imbeciles.
on Jul 08, 2008
Gee, could he possibly make himself an easier target?(forget i said that, mr effa bee eye man.)  

You undoubtedly would be cheering the death of the Democratic Presidential candidate you sick piece of shit.
on Jul 08, 2008
you sick piece of shit.

Obviously your brain contents.
on Jul 08, 2008
Account has been disabled
on Jul 08, 2008
I wonder how many other accounts he has.

on Jul 09, 2008
So you are now saying that its a violation of TOS to point out the criminal nature of someone on YOUR boards threatening the life of the Democratic Presidential Candidate.

No stupid, it is a violation of the TOU to create multiple accounts to get around site features. It is a little thing called Terms of Use. You had to read and agree to it before being granted access to the site. Apparently you cannot read or agree to it if you think you are innocent (stupid yes, innocent no) or that anyone threatened anything. Making an observation is not a threat moron. Learn the difference. If you bot brain can actually learn.
on Jul 09, 2008
Account has been disabled

Ah bummer, I thought this one (self proclaimed intellectual) would accept my offer to an IQ Test. Guess this one wasn't smart enough to stay out of trouble long enough.


Well, I guess he/she's demise was only a matter of time.

Have a great day everyone.
on Jul 09, 2008
BTW, did The_Politico get their account disabled too?
on Jul 11, 2008

BTW, did The_Politico get their account disabled too?

They might have been one in the same, their rant seemed that way to me.

on Jul 11, 2008
BTW, did The_Politico get their account disabled too?

Last I checked, no. he probably just forgot his password and is too stupid to figure out how to recover it. So he has been creating new accounts to iar his stupidity.
on Aug 04, 2008
believe that this guy is anything more than a good marketing campaign.

Not unlike McCain in 2000?