Mine wasn’t too bad. We went to the Lakefront on Friday to watch the fireworks, and spent the rest of the weekend shopping and relaxing.
We had a lovely time in a village called Leavenworth, Wa. I have lots of pictures to share later.
Great pictures of the fireworks and amphibians...
My little girls were in the local parade Friday mornign and we saw an amazing fireworks display with friend in downtown Houston (sponsored by big oil! - no pain felt there ) then Saturday we spent the evening at a local street party (it ran from 1800 to 2300; live band, BBQ, ice cream - all donations going to the Gold Star Mothers). We got there early with extra chairs and a huge cooler of beer and snacks and sat as friends stopped and chatted.
My letter to the editor got published in the two local papers and generated enough significant chatter to make me feel pretty good about writing it.
Sunday, the service closed with singing "God Bless America". That kinda shit always gives me goose-bumps.
I hate to be the partypooper, mine was not so great. We spent the day at home doing very little. The ribs I bought ended up in the oven rather than the grill due to not being able to buy the charcoal. We slept a lot and before we knew it the fireworks had already passed. It's as if we completely forgot it was Independence Day, not that we didn't have good reasons to forget.
We did see reruns on TV of the fireworks at Washington, very nice.
I guess you can say being home with my family was the best part of the day, if the only interesting one.
I had a killer weekend...
I wish all of my weekends were this much fun.