The kooks who still believe Sept. 11 was an "inside job" are now sending letters to troops in Iraq with their moronic ideas.

Mark Dice, founder of the international media watchdog group known as The Resistance, says, "We... want them to know the real reason they have put themselves in harm's way."

Dice is urging his members to tell American troops that the attacks were aided by corrupt U.S. officials for political purposes. Dice has already handed out at college campuses more than 1,000 DVDs of a 9/11 conspiracy film and adds, "I don't want the soldiers... to be used as pawns in the creation of the new world order."

How many people really believe this "inside job" garbage?  There is not one single piece of evidence to back it up, but these loons don't seem to stop.



on Jun 10, 2008
3 guesses who they support for president - and the first 2 do not count.
on Jun 10, 2008

I've always had a problem with conspiracy theories because I just don't think that people can keep their mouths shut.  That's just a general observation.  I think anyone who thinks Americans were behind 9/11 has been watching too many movies or just generally doesn't have their head screwed on right. 

on Jun 10, 2008

In todays climate, it is impossible to keep a secret almost any secret!. To have a secret kept of this scope done by a "moronic, dumb, stupid, idiot, retarded President" like Bush would be IMPOSSIBLE.

on Jun 10, 2008
Isn't freedom in America great? I'd love to see Cubans do the same in Cuba. Or Muslims in Iraq, Iran or even Palestine. Hah, I bet even Chinese people would rather run thru traffic than open their mouths against their Gov't. And these are some of the things people do not appreciate and abuse. Ever notice how if the story is about something bad the Gov't did that if the person who said it is a Govt employees that he/she is a reliable source yet if the story is about something good the Gov't did that the Gov't employee must be bought off or corrupted? So how do we know any Govt person (Barack or McCain) is good at all?
on Jun 10, 2008
Or have US politics and elections become a search for the least worst person?
on Jul 12, 2008
I like the usage of "their moronic ideas". I don't care why we went over, we've been doing good for the people of Iraq, even if some nutcases disagree.