Published on February 26, 2008 By Island Dog In Current Events

If you ever need a reminder of how crazy and dangerous the so-called "radical" element of islam is, then take a look at what is on Hamas TV. 

"Hamas children's TV dedicated a program to hatred of Denmark, the West and Israel, climaxing with a statement about the West by the co-host, a giant rabbit character named Assud: "If they repeat it we will kill them ... I will bite them and eat them!"

he program focuses on the demand to boycott Danish and Israeli products. Denmark and the West are targeted because of the cartoons featuring Muhammad that first appeared in a Danish newspaper. Israel is targeted because it exists.

The children's program, Tomorrow's Pioneers, has used its previous animal character co-hosts, the Mickey Mouse lookalike Farfur and the bee Nahul, to champion violence, promote hatred of Israel and preach about world Islamic supremacy. To further reinforce its anti-Israel message, Hamas has killed off both characters and blamed Israel."

Click here for the video.



on Feb 27, 2008

We hear the excuses for Islam and how so many of them are really peaceful.  And in the same breath, the excusers point to the atrocities of the Christians and the Jews in the past to say that no religion is pure.

But taking these both into consideration, I wonder if the excusers of today were alive during the Crusades, Witch Burnings, and Religious wars of the Jews, would they then be excusing those at that time too?  to only condemn them today?

Another irony (hypocrisy?) of the excusers, is that they so readily condemn the atrocities of the Judeo Christians of the past (and rightly so), while still absolving the muslims of today, even though they condemn all of the religious of yesteryear, while trying to defend islam today as being only a small fraction of the believers.  When in fact, if they want to get picky, it is always a small fraction that does the evil in the name of all of the believers.  Yet they do not seem to think that matters when they say "Catholics" or "Baptists" or Jews".