Things Democrats Won't Do
The clueless liberal once again states that we have to raise taxes. Anybody who thinks that raising taxes will benefit anyone is just plain stupid. The U.S. government is the biggest waste machine going, and the majority of spending is already going to social programs for people who are non-producers, and in many cases, the losers of society.
Spending is the problem! Look at the "free" giveaway just passed where republicans and democrats just added over $100 billion to help stop a recession that doesn't even exist (except in the eyes of the media). It's all just waste.
How can anyone with some kind of intelligence think to give more money to the government to waste is a good idea? We need someone who will massively cut all the entitlement and social programs, and not add them. "We need policy change?" Oh really? How can someone complain about the deficit and then want a democrat elected? Massive healthcare spending, more entitlement programs, expansion of other social programs. All to be paid by who, the people who employ you, that's who! Think about that when getting ready to vote.