Published on January 26, 2008 By Island Dog In US Domestic
If you look at any of the democrat debates or their pandering speeches to the masses, why would anyone vote a democrat?  Democrats want to raise taxes on small business and business owners, they want to massively increase social spending programs that hard working Americans will end up paying for.

Why complain about border control and security, do you think democrats will stop the people they will rely on voting for them in the future?  Democrats are only relying on two issues in this election, race and gender.

on Jan 26, 2008
COLUMBIA, S.C. - Democrats began voting here Saturday in an unusual contest that pitted Barack Obama against two Clintons. Race was a persistent subtext in the first primary to feature a large number of black voters.

on Jan 26, 2008

The Democratic strategy is extremely effective:

Get 51% of the population to agree that it's a good idea to take from the other 49% of the population.

All they need to do to dominate for the long haul is to redistribute property in such a way that a slight majority is receiving more than they put in.

Even now I think it says a lot of good about American culture that the middle class doesn't automatically vote for Democrats given that 75% of the taxes are paid fr by 10% of the population.

Unfortunately, Universal Healthcare is their great wedge issue.  I was talking to a Democrat who was complaining that she couldn't afford better health care insurance and that was why she wanted universal health care insurance.  To which I responded "So in other words, you want me to pay for your health insurance."

As soon as the Democrats convince the American people that they are entitled to free health care and other "free" goodies and the people forget that nothing is free but rather paid for by someone else, then the Republicans are doomed.

on Jan 26, 2008
Even now I think it says a lot of good about American culture that the middle class doesn't automatically vote for Democrats given that 75% of the taxes are paid fr by 10% of the population.

I cant speak for all the middle class, but I would not vote for them for the simple reason I want to be in that 10% one day. I am close enough that I will not be getting the full rebate in June (I will get partial).
on Jan 26, 2008
As soon as the Democrats convince the American people that they are entitled to free health care and other "free" goodies and the people forget that nothing is free but rather paid for by someone else, then the Republicans are doomed.

Another problem is republicans are not calling the democrats out on this issue.  They let them and the media walk all over them because republicans are too scared to tell Americans how it really is.

Americans today are so short-sighted that they hear the word "free" and automatically assume it is.  The real advantage democrats have is that a great amount of Americans are just plain dumb.

on Jan 26, 2008
If Mitt Romney and his thugs think they can buy an election, I will become the biggest Hillary supporter in the world. I will not try to talk people out of voting for Democrats like I normally do and I will drive them all to the polls. I might not stop there. I might be seen at Hillary rallies cheering my own destruction. I don't have any romantic ideas about how democracy works, if I have a problem with my party nomination then I must voice my protest by voting for the opposition.
on Jan 26, 2008

If Mitt Romney and his thugs think they can buy an election,

What brings you to this stage?  What is it about Romney that you dislike so much?

on Jan 26, 2008
If Mitt Romney and his thugs think they can buy an election, I will become the biggest Hillary supporter in the world.

I would think Hillary is worse in this area.

on Jan 26, 2008
I have no love for Mitt either but this love for Hillary is perplexing.

If it comes down to Mitt and Hillary. I'm voting for Mitt.


I hope it doesn't come down to this.

on Jan 28, 2008

To which I responded "So in other words, you want me to pay for your health insurance."
Susan and I had the same response after seeing a news story the other day.  We'd like to decide what needy person(s) deserves our charitable giving.

I agree with Dr. Guy re: being one of the 10%.  What's wrong with being rich?  Being in debt to have stuff isn't the American Dream . . OWNING all that stuff (or being able to do whatever you want with your money) is.

I find it impossible to comprehend how anyone can be intelligent in all other ways except political party but so many of my friends are blithering idiots in this.

on Jan 30, 2008

The Democrats have slowly morphed into the party of the parasite.

What they want to do is quite plain. The challenge is to help provide the proper rationalization so that 51% of the American voting public can justify stealing the property of the other 49%.