The other day I wrote about how will the media help the democrats this election season.  Well it seems they have already started the big push to convince Americans that we are either in a recession, or it will definitely be coming.  For the last week I have seen and heard the word "recession" in seems like countless news reports.

If you listen close enough,  it would almost seem like they are excited for a recession.  The other problem is a great majority of Americans don't have a big enough attention span to think for themselves, or research to find out what exactly a recession is and if we really are headed towards one.

on Jan 17, 2008
I have been hearing about a recession for a lot longer than a week.  Do you really believe that the Democrats want a recession? 
on Jan 17, 2008
Do you really believe that the Democrats want a recession?
Absolutely. Democrats, with the help of the media, will use it to convince people that their idea of socialism and higher taxes will somehow help.
on Jan 17, 2008
Do you really believe that the Democrats want a recession?

You don't seem to understand politics and what politicians will do to gain higher positions in this country. Before any of the things that have happened in the past 7 years, including 9/11, would you have believed President Bush to be capable of any of it or responsible for any of it? Maybe not, and that's where they get you. Our ignorance towards anything about our Gov't is used against us time and time again by politicians from all parties.

If the average American was actually educated enough in many or all current events, these elections would be more about "I'm the best option for you" and less about " he/she is the worst option for you".
on Jan 17, 2008

Recessions are like the nasty tasting medicine we took as children (Castor oil for the older ones of us).  It is not bad (except if you are a statistic, and then only for a short period).  And like the medicine is needed.

But what the Media and the democrats want is to blame the doctor for the taste of the medicine.  That is the problem I have with it.  Not them proclaiming the recession, but pretending that the patient can never get sick, and never does when they run things.

Of course the doctors who practice that kind of medicine dont have to worry about their patients well being.  They usually die early.